Fiercely Radiant Soul

Break the Bonds of Addiction

Live free, empowered, & untethered

  • Are you tired of being controlled by an addiction?
  • Are you ready to stop living your life by planning your day around your addiction: how to get it, when to get your fix, and how to cover it up so others don’t see?
  • Are you ready to be done with toxic people and patterns in your life?
  • Are you tired of painful withdrawals every time you try to quit?
  • Are you ready to turn your pain into power and live the life of your dreams?

Have you been living in your own inner prison?  Do you wake up everyday saying this is the day I’m no longer going to live this way.  I’m no longer going to do this to my body.  I am going to thrive and not just survive.  I’m starting over, turning over a new leaf, today is the day!

But in just a few short hours that resolve fades to willpower and white knuckling.  The chatter inside your head turns to war… 

I don’t want to but I’m not sure I can resist.  I so desperately want control over my choices and behaviors, but the drive, impulse, and desire are too strong to fight off.  But today is the day and if I don’t start sometime I can never live differently than I am.  Yet that impulse continues to intensify and increase to something that is just too strong to resist.  I have to do it.  I can’t live without it even though I don’t want to.  This is the LAST time though…just this once…

And no matter how badly you want something different than living with this addiction, you continue the cycle.  Promising yourself so many times you’re going to quit but not being successful.  So you eventually give up on any possibility of being able to break the chains and start anew.

Hi, I’m Janessa!  I know how it goes because I spent seven years of my life living this way, with anorexia and bulimia.  Bound to behaviors that were killing my body, eroding my personal freedom, ravaging my relationships, enabling me to be emotionally numb with no solution in sight.  Traditional therapy didn’t work.  Support groups weren’t going to fix me. 

I needed something different.  Something that would address my specific factors that led me down the road to coping with my life through addiction and something that truly healed the condition leaving it behind me for good.  Because relapse might be part of recovery, but if you are always in a state of relapse– like I was– you aren’t in a state of recovery.  And my body was desperate for recovery!

In fear of losing my job, losing my house, and being buried in debt for expensive residential treatment facilities I committed to doing whatever it took to figure out how to live life free of addiction.

I bought every book I could get my hands on and went through a slow, lonely, and grueling transformation process. 

And since I had pushed most people away and strained many of my relationships with friends and family while lying and hiding my addiction, I had very little support in the process.

But eventually I made it to the other side where I found health, success competing in half marathons and obstacle course races, supportive relationships, and love for myself and my life!  

This is what inspired me to commit my professional career to helping others get out of their own addictive prison.  For 10 years I worked with drug rehabilitation in the criminal justice field.  And then I was called to use innovative, alternative methods that lead to long term healing without withdrawal.  The path to freedom can be easier to see when you don’t go it alone.  Because when I’ve had someone guide me through a situation they’ve already conquered, I’ve gotten to the finish line light years ahead of what it would have taken for me to figure it out on my own.

Here’s the thing:

You can’t unlock the power and magic within you by ignoring what brought you to addiction.  But when working with the energetics of your life patterns, you don’t have to spend a painful and laborious process of unraveling the past either. And you don’t have to suffer from withdrawal.

In order to create the life of your dreams, you have to be completely responsible for the choices and decisions you’ve made.  You have to release the victim mindset to reclaim an empowered mindset.  You have to be willing to erase your past perceptions of others and the circumstances you faced so you can be the hero in your own life!

  • It’s taking charge of your life.
  • It’s turning your pain into your purpose.
  • It’s about writing a new story; today, tomorrow, and each day going forward.
  • It’s deciding you are worthy of more.

And you are.

  • This is about living life on your terms.
  • This is about deciding your life is too precious to squander another day away sabotaging yourself.
  • This is about creating healthy, supportive, and powerful relationships, starting with the relationship with yourself first.
  • This is about you living out your God given power and potential.

It starts with learning how to access your personalized path within you to break the ties that bind you.

This program is all about doing the inner work so the truest, most empowered version of you can emerge from the shadows and into the light.  And that version does NOT include addiction!

Are you ready for this?

I know I am!

I would be honored to be your guide.

About the Program

1:1 Support.  You will receive 24 one-hour 1:1 sessions over the course of the year which will be personally tailored to bring you out of your addiction!  These sessions will begin weekly and taper to monthly by the end of the program.

Daily Support.  You will have access to real time support for a full year!

Group Coaching.  You will have access to 2 one-hour live group coaching calls with Stronger Together—a community focused on simultaneously strengthening the relationship you have with yourself and others.

Online Courses.  Gain immediate access to my library of online courses where you will be able to master the art of being yourself, trusting yourself, and living your fullest potential!

Submit your application and you will hear back from me in just a few short days.  The sooner you take the leap of faith and begin your recovery, the sooner you experience all of the beautiful rewards on the other side of addiction!  Life after addiction was better than I could have ever imagined, and it can be for you too!  I know exactly how scary it is to take the step toward sobriety, but it is the best thing I ever did for myself!  I know the courage lies within you.  Let an addiction free life be the best thing you do for you too

The things you do out of obligation drain you and suck the pleasure out of your relationship. Instead take action in your relationship in ways that are authentic to you, fulfill you and your partner, and create strength, joy, and momentum in your relationship.
... ~jaNessa~ ...

As Seen On