Fiercely Radiant Soul

5 steps to creating harmony in your relationships

Your transformation starts here.

You never saw it coming.

You thought everything was great in your relationship…until it wasn’t. 
It was a slow erosion that led you to asking yourself one morning –

“how did we even get here?”

The problem is often difficult to pinpoint and it pushes you to your breaking point.  It’s easy to see the issues on the surface:  the trash not being taken out, the kids’ baths not being done, or overspending.  But what actually causes tensions in your relationship lies beneath the surface.  What irritates you are symptoms of the problem that’s going unaddressed. 

In just 5 days you will see your current relationship with fresh eyes, and you will have the keys to create the relationship your heart desires.


  • Identify what has unknowingly been making your relationships hard.
  • Overcome negative thoughts and emotions that are stealing your joy.
  • Increase your confidence & empowerment.

Be amazed at what you can shift in just 5 days!

In this 5 day challenge, I will guide you through 5 keys to strengthening your relationship to others by strengthening your relationship with yourself. 
Whether you are currently single and wanting to find a relationship that lasts, or you’re in a relationship that feels stagnant or at a breaking point – this challenge will set you on the right path. 
I’ve compiled everything I learned in my relationships and psychology training into this course designed to help you quickly create your relationship bliss.

Tragedy, Comedy, or Docudrama?

My high school sweetheart and I dated for a couple years.  The relationship ended when the effects of drugs could no longer be lied about, denied, or dismissed.  

I married a kind and sober gentleman at 21 years old after several years of being engaged.  My choice to hide and lie about an eating disorder led to a rocky relationship and a swift divorce just one year later. 

 I spent the next fifteen years dating with most relationships lasting 2-3 years.  I never got beyond three years without taking a break with anyone, and these relationships all seemed to tell the same story along the way and end with the same theme:  no matter what they did I just wasn’t fulfilled. 

 After being divorced I wrote off the idea of ever remarrying, and at one point even gave up on dating.  After applying everything I’m teaching in this program, I have created a happy and blissful relationship and know without a doubt we will live our story of happily ever after!

In this 5-day challenge mini-course...

Focus on healing yourself to heal your relationships

Learn to own your authentic relationship power

Understand how your physical health plays a role in your relationships

Day One

Clairm Your Power- We want others to change, but our true power lied within. Heal yourself and watch your relationship shift in ways you couldn’t imagine.

Day Two

Authentically Yours- Comparison and expectation from others influence our relationships.  Learn how to step out of these two traps to make the relationship authentic to you and your partner.

Day Three

Hidden Discontent – Our brains are programmed to recreate familiar relationships.  Discover how this occurs unbeknownst to you and begin creating what you desire.

Day Four

Are You Ready? – You may desire it but are you truly ready? Is your partner truly ready?  How do you know?  Why wouldn’t you be ready?  Discover the answers to all of these questions!

Day Five

Sickness and Health – Health matters.  It can single handedly ruin date night, the dream of becoming a parent, and even your relationship.  Learn the connection between your emotions and your physical health concerns.

man and woman sitting on hanging bridge at daytime

Make Your Relationship Stronger Together

For about the cost of a date night, you can get access to 5 days worth of content which can lead to lifetime of happiness.

When you begin to improve yourself, you will find that your relationships with everyone around you also begin to improve. Harmony and balance are at the center of everything I teach.

After this 5-day introduction to healing from the inside out, explore more ways we can work together to deepen your relationships’ peace, joy, & harmony.

My Philosophy

It starts with you

Your breakthroughs are right around the corner. I know you have felt frustrated from being caught in the same struggles with no solution. Our work together will give you the tools to create your fairy tale ending and live happily ever after. When using what you learn from these programs, your results will come quickly and easily.

The impossible becomes possible

You are just a few mindset shifts away from having the connection you desire. I know you've probably felt defeated and exhausted by the disconnects you feel in your relationships. You don't have to continue feeling this same way. We will work at a gentle pace that aligns for you, healing in ways you didn't believe were possible.

You are not alone

Together we'll customize a program just for you. I will work closely with you throughout your journey guiding you to your desired state of happiness and health. My unique programs combines the physical, emotional, & energetic aspects of relationships. I will be alongside you as you overcome past traumas, heal physical concerns, and learn how to create a relationship where you and your partner feel confident, connected, fulfilled, and cherished.

The things you do out of obligation drain you and suck the pleasure out of your relationship. Instead take action in your relationship in ways that are authentic to you, fulfill you and your partner, and create strength, joy, and momentum in your relationship.

Our clients