Are You Anchored?

Welcome June!

June has always been one of my favorite months!  It’s warm but not sweltering, the flowers continue to sprinkle beauty into our surroundings, and I really enjoyed the tasks June brought on the farm growing up as the seeds we had sown began to thrive.  The beginning of summer break always brought a sense of freedom and joy I can still access and embrace each year even as an adult no longer in school.

The ability to access a positive state based upon a song, a memory, an article of clothing, or some other trigger (such as the month of June for me) is what Neuro-Linguistic Programming calls anchoring.  We can program new anchors or use currently existing anchors to our advantage.  It’s likely you may already do this in some ways.  Do you play a particular song to get the blood pumping before starting a workout?  Or do you grab your Grandma’s homemade soft, knitted, cozy blanket to curl up in for comfort and relaxation?

Anchoring is very valuable to move us into a more positive emotion when we’re down, it can quickly move us into a state of motivation, and it can help us cut through procrastination and move to action.  Pay attention to what you’re anchored to as they are not always positive.  Anchors can take us to a negative state as well, but those anchors can be easily reprogrammed.  Take note of what gets you moving in the direction or vibration you want to hold, and then use those cues to your advantage!  If you’re interested in learning more about anchors or reprogramming some old anchors which no longer serve you, lets connect!

Special Offer

I have a special offer for men in the month of June!  A Cleveland Clinic study reported 2/3 of men avoid going to the doctor and 37% are more likely to under report the symptoms they experience.  In fact, 72% of men said they would rather clean toilets than go to an annual check up!

For men who want to take a natural approach to preventative care or a non-invasive approach to heal up some symptoms they’d rather not be experiencing, functional medicine is a great alternative approach.  We can find out what’s going on inside your body and what your body needs to thrive by reading your blood labs (comprehensive metabolic panel and CBC with differential), medical history, and current symptoms.  By interpreting your labs with a functional approach, creating a report so you understand what your blood labs mean, and developing a personalized supplement plan you can feel better than you have in years!

Functional medicine consults booked for men, which includes the lab interpretation, report, and plan, receive 20% off in the month of June.  What better gift to give those special men in your lives than feeling well?!

Thanks for stopping by!

Peace & Love,


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