Be Like A Tree

A couple weeks ago we were blessed with enough rain  to flood the rivers and tributaries, make haying impossible for the farmers, and set harvest back by a couple weeks.  Everyone measures rainfall by the farming effects, right?  I don’t know the specific statistics, but I believe we received over 7 inches in approximately three days with the majority of the rain falling in different spurts of torrential downpour.    Not only did the roads flood in areas, but a lot of people ended up with water in there homes as well.   (This is nothing compared to what people in the path of Florence are currently experiencing.)

Perhaps it is my over analytical mind or all of the time spent indoors (or a combination of the two), but I spent some time pondering the characteristics of water.  There are some really positive things we can take from the  ease and gentleness of a tranquil stream.  The mere sound of bubbling from a spring is hypnotic and relaxing as are the sound of waves.  Getting into the flow of life just as water flows in its banks is something we all can benefit largely from as well.  

But just as we are all filled with strengths and weaknesses, not everything about water is pleasant  and advantageous.  Water always takes the path of least resistance.  When we take the path of least resistance in life we rarely accomplish the goals and dreams we hold in our hearts. Water also erodes what lies in its path.  This can mirror how we will sometimes allow our values to erode when we walk the path of least resistance.  Water has the ability to erode away some of the strongest foundations of rock.   While what is left behind can be as marvelous and beautifully remarkable as one of the wonders of the world, the gorge in the earth  can never be repaired.   Sometimes when we erode our moral foundation by taking the path of least resistance we end up with a large gorge cut between us and loved ones.  Sadly the wounds left can’t always be repaired, and the mess we make emotionally and spiritually in our lives can resemble the mess of a flooded basement.    Don’t be like water. 

Have a beautiful week my friends!  Thanks for stopping by.

Peace & Love,


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