Credit & Debit, Life & Death

Words matter.  The old adage “sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” is one of the farthest things from the truth.  In fact, we live in a world where words are used outside of their original context unbeknownst to us, and the way those words are being used combined with our lack of knowledge does indeed hurt us.  For instance, you may already know a corporation is a legal entity and/or a group of people authorized to act as a single person.

You might not know the origination of the word corporation or its root meaning.  Jordan Maxwell taught the word corporation is derived from two base words:  corpse (dead) and oration (speak).  Therefore, corporation is actually a dead entity.  We’ve also explored in the last couple blogs how a corporation has no value without a human.  A corporation cannot sign on the dotted line to make its own deal.  It needs a human to sign and represent it.  The human has the value. 

If you have not read the last two blogs, please start there so this one makes more sense for you.  This is a continuation of explaining the strawman we all live, and when it comes to money and our reality it is much deeper than our physical existence.  A brief refresher: the strawman or legal fiction is a trust set up for you at birth where the government corporation is the grantor, your ALL CAPS NAME is the trustee, and the Federal Reserve is the beneficiary.

Why does this matter?  You have value just by living yet no one is told they have this trust or that they are traded on the stock market.  Others are making money off of you while you live the “American Dream” working, sweating, and stressing to make ends meet.  You loan money under the illusion you are lending it from a bank when you’re actually lending it from your own trust, and then paying interest back to the bank which is making money off of you using your own wealth. 

Not what you learned in school is it?  This couldn’t even happen if you weren’t alive.  You hold the value; you are the value!  There is spiritual representation of credit being life while debt is death.  When you have credit you have worth, value, options, and ease.  With debt you owe, work tirelessly to get ahead, and live bearing a burden.  When you come to understand you are the creditor, this is a huge opportunity to take your life force back. 

Can you even imagine what life would look like if you didn’t have to slave a 9-5 job if millions of dollars were really available to you at birth?  This is typically a reality most can’t even dream about or envision because it’s so far from the world they’ve lived in.  After all, it’s taken me four years to create the courage to discuss this reality or theory openly.  

The inability to see the truth is all part of the grander design.  Set aside religion for a moment and examine energetics.  The energy of God is truth, light, and love while the energetics of Satan is stagnancy, deceit, and darkness.  If you have been living in a religion it may be hard to set aside the archetypal stories of the God who sits on a throne and the red devil looking Satan with two horns and a pitchfork looking object.  Do the best you can and focus solely on the energies of these two opposing forces.

The banking system as we’ve always known is the exact opposite of the reality of the entire monetary system.  The world teaching us we are the debtor when we are actually the creditor.  It’s a total inversion of truth.  Inversion of truth is deceit and lack of truth results in darkness in our minds and bodies.  Deceit and darkness are satan energy. 

Even the Bible holds deep wisdom directing us how to thrive.  In Hosea 4:6 “My people will perish from a lack of knowledge.”  It is invaluable to be spiritually connected and of a clear and sound mind which is your birthright so you can discern truth from deceit. 2 Timothy 1:7 states “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  Proverbs 14:30 guides “A sound mind makes for a robust body, but runaway emotions corrode the bones.”  Lastly, Proverbs 14:34 directs “God-devotion makes a country strong; God-avoidance leaves people weak.”

In our physical reality we see a country moving further and further into the separation of “church” and state, and with the separation of church goes God:  truth, light, and love.  As humans, there is a tendency to identify existence with the physical body, but a human is more than a body.  The strawman is a compelling reason to come to know your “I am” essence, your spirit.

In finding your true identity in spirit you come to know your consciousness and that consciousness is a result in the mind which only comes by way of your spirit.  Stated another way, through spiritual connection your mind comes to know truth which increases your consciousness.  Your brain is not consciousness.  Your mind without spirit cannot achieve consciousness.

By discovering consciousness, you realize oneness.  Just as though all of the events in the world transpiring are interconnected, we as humans are all connected too.  What you do to someone else you do to yourself.  If you fight a system, you are fighting yourself.  It is important to have knowledge of the truths in the world and take loving action, but fighting is not the way out of the matrix we live in.  It’s integration and unity, and the integration and unity starts within.  Healing the parts of yourself driven to fight others, fight the injustices in the world, fight the systems. 

Once you have unity within, you will naturally create unity outside of yourself.  As above so below.  Many commonly refer to this healing process as shadow work.  Bringing those aspects of yourself which you do not like out of the shadows and into the light.  Embracing all that makes you who you are, loving all parts of yourself.  Afterall, what you dislike in people you see around you is a projection of the things which irritate you about yourself.  This is why when one has inner peace they too create peace with others outside themselves.

 You are living life as your strawman.  The first step in living outside this fiction is not to correct your status, learn how to discharge debt, or to exist the voluntary tax system.  The first step is to know your spiritual self, integrate, and unify within. The spirit must be ready for the mind and body to embody something other than the strawman.

When you’re ready to stand in your empowerment with guidance and a community of others, Stronger Together is just the place to get started.  This group coaching community focuses on discovering your true self and cultivating a deep, loving connection with you.  Through live coaching calls and over 15 courses, you have all the tools and knowledge at your fingertips to navigate emotions so you can return to critical thinking all while staying spiritually connected to your true identity.  Your consciousness increases and as a result your relationships strengthen, truth is easily discernable, and you fully express your soul’s purpose.

Life is real and raw, blistering and brilliant, courageous and counterintuitive, fun and fear provoking, radical and mundane.  Life is meant to be enjoyed in all of its complexities and in its nonfiction form rather than a fiction we project to the world.

Prefer to listen rather than read?  Follow this series on the Eyes Wide Open radio show starting with this first episode.

Sign up below to access all the blogs of this story as they are posted so you don’t miss a thing.  Read the entire series in the story beginning with this blogpost.

Follow my journey, hear more about this story, and consider all things seen and unseen on my internet radio show, ‘Eyes Wide Open’ airing every Wednesday evening at 6 pm EST/5 pm CST/3 pm PST.  Listen to the replays toward the bottom of this webpage.   

Thank you for praying for us, supporting us, sharing our story: is a free Christian Crowdfunding site.  They are built on the fact as Christians they know money, as helpful as it is, is only part of the equation.  Their platform is designed not only to encourage Christians to raise money to make a difference in the world, but to also remind that sharing hope (through prayer submission) is even more important, as it is a lasting solution.

Peace & Love,


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