Greetings!  Let me introduce you to my amazing friend and colleague, SammiJo.  She has opened my world to a whole new kind of energy work, which isn’t actually new at all.  SammiJo is a crystal healer and her modality does not involve conscious reasoning during the session.  We have found our two modalities work so incredibly well together as people see faster results and deeper healing when using the modalities in tandem.

SammiJo and I both believe in empowering you to heal as much as you are able on your own.  So be sure to read on  after the video to learn how to start working with the energies of crystals on your own at home.  But first, meet SammiJo!

Here is how SammiJo suggests working with the crystals if you are new to crystal healing:

  1.  Sleep with a crystal under your pillow or next to your bed at night. Journal to record how you feel and what dreams you have on those nights. This will help you understand what the crystal is bringing to light for you or helping you heal.
  2.  Put Citrine or Carnelian in your Coffee Pot to give yourself a boost of energy.  You can also place them in water.  Be sure to use tumbled rocks to ensure no debris is left in your beverage.
  3.  Place Rose Quartz in your bath water to relax at night.
  4.  Place a Black Tourmaline and a piece of Selenite next to your doorways to stave off negative energy from your home.
  5.  Place a crystal in your pocket for the day. Use the same crystal for 3 days straight. Journal to record how you feel and what dreams you have on those days.  This will help you understand what the crystal is bringing to light for you or helping you heal.
Sacred Healing Project

You can find both of us in the Facebook Group Sacred Healing Project where we offer weekly mini sessions of crystal healing and HBLU.  You will also have access to reiki, aromatherapy, intuitive coaching, and pendulum dowsing.  It is a wonderful, uplifting community where you can have exposure to several different modalities, try something new, and gain incredible knowledge.  We hope you will join us!

You can also find SammiJo on her Facebook business page Crystalline Currents.

In closing, I’m wishing you all a very blessed holiday!  Life is so different right now challenging the definitions and traditions of the holidays for many.  I personally have found it to be a very easy year to conduct a gratitude practice as I’ve realized how many simple pleasures in life I had taken for granted in the past.  May you cherish your holiday however you choose to spend it!  Thank you for stopping by!

Peace & Love,



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