Everything You’ve Never Been Told About Money

If you haven’t read last week’s post, please do so before reading this one.  Without that foundational information in viewing our country as a business, this post may be much more difficult to understand.

What I’m about to share with you is information that’s very challenging to find.  Not many people present this information, and those who are typically have it in a membership or some other setting where you have to pay to access it.  Some of these communities are by invite only.  I encourage you not to discredit this theory because of the lack of availability of information, and rather question if the magnitude of impact this information would have on society is so great, the stakes might be incredibly motivating to keep the information hidden.

You are being introduced to your strawman or what is also commonly referred to as your legal fiction.  The definition of a strawman is a person used as a cover for some questionable activity.  Wait a minute… is that really you?  How are you covering questionable activity? 

First the background information and then the answer to this question.

Our Founding Fathers left Great Britain because they believed they were living in tyranny and enslavement; a part of that being taxation without representation.  When they came to America they did their best to set up the Constitution so the past would not repeat itself again and to keep the banking elites from doing what had been done in England.  This is what motivated the 13th Amendment of the Constitution which states there can be no indentured servitude, including involuntary servitude:  you can’t put someone into debt and make them a slave unless they’ve been convicted of a crime.

Most reflect on history and slavery in the South and feel this portion of the Constitution is being fulfilled.  There is a different involuntary slavery occurring through our financial system which you likely haven’t had the knowledge for your eyes to see.  It’s happening every day, and you are living it.

Within the Constitution the United States of America is mentioned twice but the UNITED STATES is mentioned repeatedly.  If you study contract law you’ll understand these small details are a big deal.  In picking up our theory from the last post that the United States is a business, the ‘United States of America’ within the Constitution represents the land of the country while ‘UNITED STATES’ references the corporation.  We are living in a business being disguised as a government, agencies, police, etc.

As we already explored, the Federal Reserve was set up in 1913 which is another corporation, and the corporation of the Federal Reserve went into business with the ‘for profit’ business the UNITED STATES.  The people thought the Federal Reserve was part of the U.S. government because of its name and the belief they were living in a country of freedom and liberty.

The Federal Reserve and government representing the UNITED STATES make a business deal:  the Federal Reserve will make money with nothing backing it and the UNITED STATES will go into debt as a result, and it will give reason to tax all the citizens to pay back the debt.  Remember, those papery pieces of cash are debt notes.  Debt=owing money.  By having cash, it signifies you are carrying the debt of the UNITED STATES, yet being told you own the value of the cash in your hand.  In this deal, the Federal Reserve profits and the government profits while the people bear the burden of the debt.

How can the government tax the people if it’s a business?  Think about a local business down the street.  Do they send you an annual statement for taxes?  Or do you pay taxes through them only when you make a purchase?  Obviously it’s the latter.  No one is paying me taxes simply because I have registered a business with the government.  Owning a business doesn’t entitle anyone to receive voluntary payments from all of the other citizens around us.

The UNITED STATES is actually no different.  The tax system is voluntary, and we the people are none the wiser.  The IRS goes after those who don’t pay taxes so it’s easier to give the money away and save the hassle because you are not equipped with the necessary laws and comprehension to know how to exit the voluntary tax system.  Even Representative Xavier Becerra testified during an IRS hearing on  May 17, 2013 stating three times the tax system is voluntary and discusses the importance of citizen respect and participation in voluntary tax payment.

YOU have the value and worth in the world.  The government has no funding or assets without taking it from humans, from the people.  This system is as backward as having babysat for your neighbors growing up and when done you paid them for the work you just completed.  YOU are contributing to our country through your work, skills, gifts, time, energy, and effort and you are paying the government for this work when it’s the country who is receiving the benefit of your labor.  YOU have all of the value.

This is far more complex than merely voluntarily paying taxes.  The government and financial elites are making profits off of you every time you take out loans, build properties, buy goods.  The way they do this is by making each human a fake corporation at the time of their birth.  This fake corporation is your strawman…the way you are a cover for questionable activity.

Check your bills.  Whether it’s a utility bill, mortgage statement, bank statement, car financing statement, or even your marriage certificate, your name will be in all capital letters.  This is not by chance.  Every business has an EIN number.  This is a number given by the government.  Your social security number is the equivalent of an EIN number and is used to do business under the corporation that you’re created to be at birth. 

Parents are tricked with the birth certificate as the fine print essentially says the parents are giving the estate/entity/child to the government.  Then you grow up representing this strawman or legal fiction because you see your name and you do not understand the contract law which explains that there is a fundamental difference between United States of America or the UNITED STATES and Janessa Finley or JANESSA FINLEY. 

Through this strawman, YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPS, you are assigned millions of dollars at your birth by the Federal Reserve, and they don’t tell you about it.  Then they make a trust out of the government who is the grantor (creditor) of the trust, then your ALL CAPS NAME is the trustee, and the Federal Reserve is the beneficiary.  Those loans you’ve taken out from a bank where you believed you were borrowing the bank’s money?  You were actually borrowing your own money from your own trust assigned to you at birth and then paying the bank interest for allowing you to access your own money. 

In addition to loans, your social security number, birth certificate, and even prison sentences are being traded on a stock market where others are profiting off of you while you have no idea this is even occurring. 

Seeing is believing right?  Until recently, there was an open public internet site which would allow you to search by your social security number and see for yourself all the times your legal documents had been traded.  Unfortunately and not surprising, the website has been converted to require a corporation to register an account to obtain the search results.  It doesn’t make it impossible; it just takes more work.  Prior to this change, I saw someone search with their social security number and discovered it had been traded over 40,000 times.

Law is so important.  In the structure of our financial world contract, maritime, commerce, and trust law are all at play.  It’s so complex and intricate the common citizen doesn’t understand, and as I said earlier, the easiest thing to do is the path of least resistance.  Or is it?

Those who understand the laws are discharging their debt.  Their mortgage, car loans, bank loans…discharged.  This isn’t some fairy tale, made up conspiracy.  It is really real and happening by a small few of very aware and intelligent individuals who can critically think and have learned the ins and outs of the law.

Ever notice how there’s so much focus during election cycles about political figures dodging the tax system, not having paid their taxes, or some narrative similar to this?  All of that is a surface level distraction to stir an emotion about the candidate so you take a position for or against them.  Under the surface, these individuals have cracked the code…the code kept from average citizens to prevent understanding so we continue voluntarily paying our taxes, have money leached from our energy and working contributions, and so this system can continue to profit from a trust we don’t even see actually exists.

This conversation is so much deeper than just the material aspects of it.  There’s an entire spiritual component as well.  We are not just physical beings, we are mind, body, and soul.  I realize the concept presented here could take some time to explore, question, test, and come to understand.  It’s a complete inversion of the truth you’ve always known and believed to be true.  The reason for that will be made clear in the spiritual discussion.  Take your time with this, and we’ll dive into the spiritual aspect of this conversation next.

Prefer to listen rather than read?  Listen to this same content on the Eyes Wide Open radio show.

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Follow my journey, hear more about this story, and consider all things seen and unseen on my internet radio show, ‘Eyes Wide Open’ airing every Wednesday evening at 6 pm EST/5 pm CST/3 pm PST.  Listen to the replays toward the bottom of this webpage.   

Thank you for praying for us, supporting us, sharing our story:  givesendgo.com/travisford

GiveSendGo.com is a free Christian Crowdfunding site.  They are built on the fact as Christians they know money, as helpful as it is, is only part of the equation.  Their platform is designed not only to encourage Christians to raise money to make a difference in the world, but to also remind that sharing hope (through prayer submission) is even more important, as it is a lasting solution.

Peace & Love,


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