Thanks for stopping by today! I am going to unpack a topic I have had to spend a great deal of focus on in order to understand: emotions and feelings. Did you know they are different? They directly tie into our thoughts which stem from our mind, and it is our mind which creates how we perceive our experiences. Happy mind, happy life has never been a truer mantra. Lets break this down step by step…

I am a full fledged feeler if there is such a label. Ask anyone who knows me well and they will affirm I have a “feel” for everything. Feelings are so easy for me to identify with, I have failed to understand the difference between feelings and emotions until recently. According to Karol Truman in “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die” feelings are something you experience and hold inside; such as when you’re angry about something but do not express it. Emotions are energy in motion. It is having a response to someone or something; such as being angry and exploding verbally or physically. Emotion, then, is the outward reaction of the feeling.

For me, I am so attuned to my feelings I infrequently identify the thoughts which preclude the feelings unless I really stop to reflect. However, thoughts always preclude feelings and feelings and/or thoughts always preclude emotions. This demonstrates how we become what we think because the mind creates our experiences in this human existence. If there is something we dislike in our life, we must first think differently about the situation in order to feel differently about it. For example, many hurdles are opportunities but can be viewed as dead ends if we feel defeated and fail to rise to the challenge the hurdle presents.

Here’s a more practical life example which I’m selecting for potential humor value. Luckily I live with a gentleman so falling in the toilet due to the seat being left up is not a concern in my household, but I know it happens to girls all over the world. Please do you part to prevent this from becoming an epidemic! However, having experienced this one time in my life I am making an educated projection of how the reaction may transpire in many relationships. Lets just say the female’s has labeled this experience to just not be even the least bit sexy. (Rightfully so in my humble experience.) As soon as she feels the cold water her mind will fire thoughts of disdain and her reaction might be “BABE!!! I’ve told you 45,965 times to put the toilet seat down! What is wrong with you?!?!” And the heat is on… You can identify the charge behind a response like that simply by reading it.

In order to interrupt an angry response one could change the thoughts of disdain to gratitude for having a guy to live with in the first place, considering the event an effective way to be awoken, or merely deciding to check the toilet seat before each and every use. Those thoughts might prevent a feeling from even emerging. However, if these thoughts do lead to a feeling and the feeling leads to an emotion the response would likely look something more mellow like “I love living with you, but I really need to be able to sit ON the toilet rather than IN the toilet. Can you assist your beautiful queen in successfully sitting upon her throne?”

All humor and amusement aside, hopefully this illustrates for you how “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” (-Dr. Wayne Dyer) Changing the thought changes the feeling which changes the emotion. A positive perspective will yield more and more positive things showing up in your life. Lastly, if you want to become a real master of your feels throw out thoughts and expressions of gratitude for every single thing you experience!

Here’s to positive thoughts, feelings, and emotions filling your being always. And stay dry, ladies… stay dry!

Peace & Love,


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  1. Mike Dooley, author of “Infinite Possibilities” talks about “feeling first, manifestation second.” You can’t manifest anything into your life unless you experience the feeling of it already being there. Once you experience the feeling then you raise your vibration, the Universe matches it and orchestrates and aligns those events and happenstances in your life to bring to you what it is you want. It all starts with feeling.

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