How Did We Get Here

When humans are fully empowered they have a powerful spiritual connection, clear intuition, the pineal gland functions fully, and for those who are familiar with the chakra system, the third eye is open.  Thus, our thoughts are fueled by something higher than ourselves.  There are many influences and factors preventing and deluding us from being fully empowered with this strong spiritual connection. 

Have you ever paused to explore how the systems in place in the world came to be?  History has never been my first love, but the more I researched why things work the way they do I became more and more fascinated with what I found.  Especially since so much of it is connected to human nature and influencing our thoughts.

Several years ago I stumbled upon a man, Jordan Maxwell, who explained signs, symbols, language, admiralty maritime law and how all of this was connected to the way the world works today.  Jordan passed away just over a year ago, but his teachings can still be found on YouTube.  Jordan’s teachings were on topics hidden from general society, and he ties it all the way back to the Hebrew language and translations of the Bible. 

History also shows us the polarization we are currently experiencing actually cycles every 100-120 years.  Most of us don’t live that long to understand the cycle unless we research it.  This polarization spurs people to be unable to agree or trust one another resulting in confusion.  And confusion has many advantages to the minority.  It creates cloudiness, it’s easier to influence those who are unsure, and when people are fearful and anxious it makes them more vulnerable.  All the while a minority of prominent families make significant financial gain on the systems they have been able to implement over the past approximately 100 years.  It will take me several more blog posts to connect all those dots so settle in for the adventure over the next several weeks.

To ensure we are thinking about the same thing when I use the word “systems”, I’m talking about what many refer to as living in what many refer to as a matrix or simulation.  It’s all of the major systems we rely upon as Americans to live and raise children:  education, housing, energy, financial, food & water, legal, political, media, workforce, and healthcare just to name a few of the prominent ones.  Can you even imagine what your life would look like without these structures in place? 

Have you ever stopped to think about it before reading the question posed here in this post?  Most of us haven’t because we’ve believed this is the way it is and so we do not exercise critical thinking to challenge the beliefs we hold about the world we’re living in.

Do you rely on these systems to solve the problems with our economy, energy, reaching space, or poverty?  We’re taught to rely on the government for so much which breeds a culture of dependence, when in reality the government rarely is able to outperform private entities to solve these complex problems.  But currently the private entities involved in these types of issues and systems have made decisions based upon their personal gain rather than the betterment of mankind as a whole.

Just one simple example of this is how the Rockefellers invested millions, back when millions of dollars would be like billions of dollars today, to establish the General Education Board.  The General Education Board determined what went into the textbooks used at schools, meaning the Rockefeller family had a large stake in what was being taught and how it was being taught (reciting information through rote memory).  The Rockefeller family also owned many manufacturing businesses which needed people to operate them.  The school day was created mirroring a day of work.  From a very young age, we were being molded into a lifestyle that programs us to work for others.  Essentially, we are programmed to support the dreams of the wealthiest families in America rather than our own.

The centralization of power is one of the biggest factors of how this happens.  Centralization of power has advantages such as innovation, ease, advances, conveniences, and affordability, but it also comes with liability.  Centralization of power occurs both in the government and in private corporations.  It’s deliberate prevention of all employees having all of the information.  Instead, people are only exposed and allowed to see just enough to do the task that’s asked of them.

You see it in the government with security clearances.  Those with higher level security clearances have access to far more information than those with lower level clearances.  In corporations you see this occurring by title.  High level senior managers have access to less information than CEOs and CEOs have less information than the founders.  By keeping information compartmentalized and fragmented, there’s limited access to what the real intention is while the organization creates diligent and loyal individuals to their assignment.

We learned how toxic this can be in the Nuremberg trials when Nazi soldiers admitted they did not know the agenda was waging genocide on a group of people because they only knew what their task was and were committed to carrying out their small, fragmented purpose.  Of course this is an extreme example, and it will come up again in a future post as those who implemented the training of those soldiers also had a hand in the construction of some of our systems here in America.

One other key strategy in centralizing power is complexity.  Do you know the entire process for how a law gets passed?  Or how someone who isn’t born here lawfully becomes a United States citizen?  Or can you chart out the specific steps of the justice system from ticketing/charging someone to sentencing them? 

When systems are so complex we don’t know how they should work, and we also are not able to identify when they are not working lawfully.  Complexity easily hides the law, rules, and foundation of any system and creates a vulnerability for the system to be weaponized to create a desired outcome.

This is where human nature enters the conversation.  The ego is fond of power, control, greed, and the like.  It makes many people feel secure and safe when they are able to bend others to their desires, have more wealth than they could ever spend for generations to come, and are able to use the wealth to obtain whatever outcome they desire (i.e. Rockefellers creating diligent employees for their oil fields and factories through influencing the education system).

And I invite you to think about if you amass wealth, how would you spend it?  Would you find yourself lobbying for particular initiatives and outcomes as well?  Would you be finding and designing means to continue to multiply the wealth so it continues to grow?  Would you want to have enough saved to be able to pass wealth, rather than debt, on to the next generation?  This is all basic human nature driven by our egoic desires.

The really ironic part is while humans, ego, or both are so driven to obtain their power and control, when you look at a power pyramid do you know where the people are?  It’s not at the top, nor is it halfway up the chart.  Nope, the power of the people is at the very bottom.  The bottom!  And the more divided we as a people are, as we’re seeing in the current polarization of humanity, the less power we have.  Think about that.  The less you accept someone else for their differences, the less power YOU have (and the other person too)! 

The pyramid actually illustrates the more money there is, the more power that is held.  While people are at the bottom of the pyramid, the banks are at the top.

For a long time I believed the government held the most power.  My life experiences painted this filter, through both being an employee of the government and a citizen.  The power pyramid shows the government is second from the bottom.  At first, I couldn’t believe it.  The only thing the government had power over was just the people?  But then I began researching, and as I tested my theories and beliefs, I came to see what the power pyramid was showing me is true.  The government has power over the people, and there are many financial influencing powers over the government.

And how is the power of division amongst the people largely leveraged?  Through your thoughts.  Through your consciousness.  It is vastly profitable to the minority of the people when the majority of the people believe and think in specific ways.  Are you thinking for yourself?  Would you even be able to identify the difference?

The next several posts will go into detail about many systems, how they came to be, and the power they assert.  But don’t just take my word for it.  Do your own research.  Challenge your own theories.  Put your own critical thinking skills to work, and then let me know in the comments what you discern to be true! 

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Follow my journey, hear more about this story, and consider all things seen and unseen on my internet radio show, ‘Eyes Wide Open’ airing every Wednesday evening at 6 pm EST/5 pm CST/3 pm PST.  Listen to the replays toward the bottom of this webpage.   

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Peace & Love,


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