This week I’m going to combine two of my nuggets of wisdom because I think they are more powerful in tandem. My advice to live by this week is to always listen to your intuition. It’s how the spirit guides us, and it’ll never leave us astray. First, let me say I’m using “spirit” as a general term for Holy Spirit, spirit guides, universal intelligence, higher power, guardian angel, etc to be inclusive of all belief systems. How can you identify when you’re receiving intuitive guidance? We actually have centers of intelligence, or brains, not just in our head but also in our heart and gut. Some people may have clarity in knowingness. They receive or have a thought and it is so strong with a positive essence they are clear it is their guided path. Others receive or have a feeling. It sets well with their heart or it doesn’t. They learn to interpret feelings of the heart as their divine guidance or intuition. Last but not least is the gut. I’m sure we have all had a conversation with someone who has articulated they had a “gut feeling” about a situation. Those strong promptings help us make decisions or take action as necessary.

While often we have one guiding essence which is strongest between the gut, heart, and brain, we are able to develop them all if we so choose. I have found the best way to do so is to sit quietly and then think about the situation at hand, and take inventory of the very first thoughts to arise. Instead of belaboring the thoughts and logic on the topic, next move to the heart. Observe how the feelings in the heart align with the initial thoughts you had about the topic. Does it feel light and expansive? Does it feel heavy and guarded? Last move to my gut. For me, my gut is very literal. When something sits well with it my stomach feels “normal”. When something does not sit well with it, my stomach responds in knots, tension, sourness, or nausea. It took the longest for me to develop the intuitive cues in my head. Historically I have over analyzed situations and allowed myself to have a preoccupation with my thoughts. While I believed I was using logic and reasoning to make decisions, in the end I was just compounding confusion because I could not find discernment by merely identifying pros and cons. I would sit in a state of decision paralysis for an extended period of time. When we’re able to recognize that our thoughts received from spirit have a different energetic charge it is much easier to have confidence with our decisions. Once we are able to recognize intuition through all three centers (heart, brain, and gut), decision making becomes very easy.

Intuition is like a muscle in that you have to practice using it to grow in it. Start assessing how your heart, mind, and gut feel about smaller, low stakes situations and then: 1) take note of whether you followed the feelings and thoughts you had about that situation, and 2) track whether the outcome correlated with how you felt about the situation (i.e. you followed your intuition and things ended well or you didn’t follow your intuition and things ended well). Once you start observing the synchronicities in your intuition with the outcomes you will better calibrate your internal guidance system with spirit to understand when you are being guided versus when you are charting your own course.

The next nugget of wisdom is if you think you can’t you can’t. If you think you can you still might experience can’t on the first try. Perseverance is a real difference maker. It’s especially a real difference maker when our perseverance aligns with our intuition. Have you ever felt as though you’re shoving a round peg through a square hole as the saying goes? There is something you know you should achieve but try as you may things are not lining up so it can go smoothly. How do you tell when you are forcing your will in a situation rather than being on a path of destiny so to speak? Intuition. We’re not left to our own power to achieve our goals. We receive intuitive guidance any time we seek it as long as we know how to understand the guidance we receive. Once we hone our skill in understanding our intuitive promptings we will then recognize and obey the urge to slow down for what seems like absolutely no reason to discover a short way down the road there is debris in the road that would do real damage to your motorcycle (and yourself) or to drive an hour to an expo when you have absolutely no desire to go just to discover there is an open booth and you can work as a vendor…(the possibilities are endless!!!)

I bet on more than one occasion this week you will exclaim the words “I knew it!” As soon as those words come out of your mouth take pause and assess what your heart, brain, and gut cues were that made you aware of an outcome well before it transpired. Be persistent in building your intuitive receptors. They will serve you very well! Thanks for stopping by!

Peace & Love,


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