Law of Inspired Action

There’s a balance between being and doing.  The law of attraction focuses on aligning ourselves with our state of being to create what we desire while the law of inspired action aligns us with the doing.

And the real key here is inspired action.  It’s not forceful do everything you can possibly do until you’re burnt out sick and tired frustrated exhausted and over it action.  That forceful action is very prevalent in our society and for many decades has been the belief of how we succeed in the world.  

Instead, inspired action is what some might explain as an intuitive hit, a nudge from Source, or a spark of something you have absolute knowing you need to do even if it doesn’t make much rational sense.  It’s fun and playful even though it might pull you from your comfort zone prompting you to do something you’re not yet confident in.  

Some examples of inspired action I’ve taken this year which have had mini miracles on the other side of the action included hosting a radio show when I knew NOTHING about radio, talking to a stranger in a coffee shop who ended up being a retired attorney, finding a course and community who are doing some really amazing things with civil rights which welcomed me in an expected way, and meeting some amazing like-minded new friends by going on a group motorcycle ride when I would have rather stayed home–not to mention the last group ride I went on was over five years ago because they’re just not my cup of tea.

Here’s how you can put this to use this week.  Think of something you desire to have, drop your awareness into your heart center, and ask what is one thing you can do to move a step closer.  We don’t want our brains to answer with logic.  We want to follow our heart’s path.

For example, if you’re wanting to connect with new people perhaps there’s a new venue you can go check out, if you want to mend a relationship being the first to reach out expressing love and appreciation for the other might be where it’s at, or if you’re wanting a new job perhaps there is something you need to learn to prepare for the new gig you desire.  Keep it fun and light even if it stretches you outside your comfort zone.  If it’s heavy and hard making you rely on willpower you probably are following your brain and not your heart.

Have fun with this one.  You just never know when and where you will find nudges for inspired action as it can often come when we least expect it!

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Peace & Love,

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