Law of Relativity

The law of relativity set me free from the radical responsibility I attached to the legal situation we went through in 2022.  In a desire to live at cause, I laboriously sought clarity as to how I caused this situation to come to be.  Learning the law of relativity gave me a fresh perspective and the ability to seek what opportunities, lessons, and growth the situation had to offer.

The law of relativity tells us nothing is either good or bad.  Everything has multiple perspectives, and each of us choose to attach meaning to what we experience.  What might be a really negative situation to one person can be a positive situation to someone else going through the exact same thing.  

The law of relativity also teaches us that we have to go through a series of challenges while remaining connected to our hearts in order for us to develop.  And that is exactly what 2022 offered.  A chance to feel things much more profoundly through my heart while cultivating and developing inner traits I didn’t even know I needed.

Comparison can be a joy killer, but for this law I am encouraging you to use it in a very deliberate way.  Here are two ways to apply the law of relativity to your life this week:

  1. Observe the trials and difficulties you perceive to be challenged with in your life, and then watch the news headlines or observe the challenges of others around you.  Travis and I have found time and again when there has been a big bump in our road, someone else has shared the challenges they are facing which make our situation seem small.  Almost daily I see struggles other people face that makes me thankful for the hardship that we’ve been traversing.  Ever notice how you’re equipped for the hardships you endure while you might not feel at all equipped for the hardships others experience?
  2. Give genuine gratitude for what you are experiencing, even if it is not something you would have rushed to the front of the line to sign up for, and ask yourself:   ‘What does this have to teach me; what opportunities does this situation have to offer me?’

Are you still working with the other eight universal laws we’ve discussed so far?  You can begin reading about the laws with this blog post.  Remember, you are nature so working with the laws of nature will allow life to be a much more enjoyable experience.

Sign up below to access all the blogs as they are posted so you don’t miss a thing.

Enjoy audio content?  Consider all things seen and unseen on my internet radio show, ‘Eyes Wide Open’ airing every Wednesday evening at 6 pm EST/5 pm CST/3 pm PST.  Listen live or to the replays toward the bottom of this webpage.

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Peace & Love,

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