Poisonous Propaganda, Poisonous Food

The holidays passed us by in an easy, peaceful way.  We were able to remain present, enjoy each moment, and somehow set aside the reality of what the new year was bringing us.  With that being said though, the holidays were not very holiday-ish.  No décor, no tree, only one holiday party, no presents, no music—I had tried listening to Christmas music one day and couldn’t even make it through one song–but there was still so much love and meaning in being with family.

It was exciting to see more information continued to be released about the realities of what was being kept unseen in the world around us.  Elon Musk continued to drop the “Twitter Files” and the information he was releasing at the end of December revealed how the government had been moderating the censorship of specific topics on Twitter.  Those specific topics had included the Hunter Biden laptop chaos keeping it suppressed prior to the election, COVID vaccine dangers, and voting integrity. 

When we talk about the Twitter Files, we’re not talking about allegations and claims that these things were occurring.  We are talking about the release of actual emails between government officials and Twitter staff.  Including some Twitter staff questioning why these government officials were “policing” and searching for violations of Twitter’s guidelines on Twitter for Twitter.  The extent to which the government was influencing social media platforms, it was as though the social media platforms (Twitter, Meta, etc) were subsidiaries of the government.  Read some of the Twitter Files for yourself, or read more about current events proving the collusion between Big Tech and the government from my previous blog here.

This is such a complete infringement upon our First Amendment right for free speech.  Is our speech truly free when the government is regulating and enforcing the total censorship of certain topics on social media?  Especially when those topics are not actually conspiracy theories, mal, dis, or misinformation, but are now being proven.  For instance, all of the information being censored over the COVID vaccine safety is now coming to light with CDC admitting the vaccine does cause blood clots and cardiac issues.  Why was there such a staunch effort to hide what could alter people’s health for the rest of their lives, rather than allowing people to make an informed decision for themselves?  The efforts to control the minds of people has been called psyops, and this is exactly what the government was doing through these social media platforms. 

And social media use isn’t the first time the government has experimented with mind control.  If you haven’t researched MK Ultra, it’s a fascinating yet frightening project.  If you research MK Ultra, you will also see what was really going on with MK Ultra was discovered by the Church Committee, which is similar to the committees and subcommittees currently probing the activities of the FBI and DOJ.

But the specific factors of the social media platforms collusion with the government and COVID connected directly into Travis’s case.  His statement to the court of mitigating factors discussed these exact elements: the censorship of social media, the fear of the COVID vaccine, the dangers of the COVID vaccine which were being hidden, etc.  In case you haven’t been reading this entire series, I’ll remind you the judge’s response to his mitigating factors was calling them “non-sense” on record during sentencing. Perhaps they aren’t so non-sensical after all.

A couple other noteworthy items came out in the news this week. 

Maryland’s Senator Ben Cardin was covered in the media for stating the First Amendment does not protect hate speech.  Again, if you’re new to my story before going any further let me state I do not support hate speech.  There’s truly a better way to express yourself, but what I do support is how our laws are written and the rights the Constitution affords to the American people. 

Mr. Cardin was quoted saying “If you espouse hate, if you espouse violence, you’re not protected under the First Amendment.  I think we can be more aggressive in the way that we handle that type of use of the internet.”  This is the exact narrative that was released in the national news media with Travis’s case, but these claims about what is not protected under the First Amendment simply are not true.  In fact, they are so false Mr. Cardin had to release a second statement to correct his false statements.  The First Amendment does not protect speech when speech is inciting violence.  Additionally, the First Amendment prevents government from keeping you from hearing or reading the words of others.  Yet through the social media platforms this was exactly what was happening. 

The government wasn’t rewriting the Constitution, they simply were choosing to use their power and authority to begin enforcing it in a contorted way.  Based upon the strategies they were employing, by regulating social media, it was happening without most even being aware.  After all, how do you know what you’re not seeing, what other people are being censored from saying, if it never reaches the platforms?  Our minds were being controlled and poisoned right under our noses with far too many people being completely oblivious.

The Robert Cessario case.  Mr. Cessario is a former FBI agent who investigated the case against former State Senator John Woods.  Mr. Cessario was ordered to submit his laptop computer for forensic examination after certain interviews with witnesses in the Woods case had been called into question.  Mr. Cessario admitted to intentionally wiping the hard drive on this device before the forensic examination.  His sentence?  Mr. Cessario received 3 years probation with 6 months house arrest.

What message does this send?  Those in authority of taking away rights and liberties of Americans will only receive a slap on the wrist for hiding, concealing, or altering evidence?  As a government employee I can attest we have annual training about the dos and don’ts of evidence, the use of our technology, and the punishment for breaching these policies.  It’s hard to fathom the message being sent to citizens when a government employee altering evidence on a government device is disciplined with probation and house arrest affirms the government’s checks and balances are serious and honorable.

While I was so busy observing the ‘poisonous’ messaging in the world, worrying about the food I was eating was the farthest thing from my mind.  We had just over one full week together before Travis would begin his sentence, and on Monday evening I felt a little nauseous after walking our dog.  About 30 minutes later I was lying in bed with my coat and two covers on me shaking uncontrollably.  And then the violent vomiting began.  I had food poisoning.  It was as horrible as food poisoning can be.  All the fluids in my body got eviction notices.  I was so dehydrated I passed out, and when I went for IV therapy, they had the most difficult time getting a vein because they kept blowing.  

This was not how I wanted to spend the final week of our time together, and yet I was just too sick to get out of bed, spend time with Travis, or even care that the days were slipping by in such an unfulfilling way.  I am so grateful this happened while he was still home though as his gentleness and care was essential to getting me through the illness and keeping me out of the ER. 

Of course, I got food poisoning.  The underlying emotional contributor to food poisoning:  allowing others to take control and feeling defenseless.  The emotional contributor to fainting:  fear of the present and feeling unable to cope.  This is why holistic healthcare is so valuable.  Of course, I was feeling like I was giving complete control over to others.  My husband was about to be surrendered to the prison system, I was being forced to release control of regular physical contact with him and potentially even regular communication.  I was releasing control of a regular, regimented paycheck as I was days away from leaving my criminal justice career.  I would for sure be lying if I said fear was not a real aspect of my perspective about all of these factors.

And this was the exact perspective shift I embraced to find myself in a deeper state of empowerment.  I see couples all the time who have constant contact, but their relationships fail.  They have regular physical contact believing they are protecting one another, yet they’re in a car accident or experience some other state of dis-ease.  Control is a beautiful illusion and a false sense of security.  When I am in a state of surrender and allowance, God and the universe always ensure things turn out better than what I could ever create on my own accord.  I deepened my spiritual faith and released my husband to the Divine.  Whatever was at work here, which had been reinforced on our wedding day to be something bigger than us, was going to see us through to the other side and work all things for good.  It seemed so illogical to think about, but faith isn’t logical.  I knew it was going to be the best way to find peace day in and day out while we were apart.

It took a full week to recover and be able to eat again.  While I was in the midst of attempting to regain my strength, I had to suck it up for one full day of work because what was once a dream, my ultimate goal in life, was now a chapter closing.  And I had to show up to walk away from the endeavor of a lifetime that had completely fallen from grace to be something I forced myself to do.  I wouldn’t be delaying or postponing my transition into full autonomy any longer.

Lesson learned:  Do your own research, be a critical and free thinker, know your rights, exercise your rights in a loving way.  And eat fully cooked meat; your body will thank you!

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Follow my journey, hear more about this story, and consider all things seen and unseen on my internet radio show, ‘Eyes Wide Open’ airing every Wednesday evening at 6 pm EST/5 pm CST/3 pm PST.  Listen to the replays toward the bottom of this webpage.   

Thank you for praying for us, supporting us, sharing our story:  givesendgo.com/travisford

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Peace & Love,


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