Sacraments, meet Chakras. Chakras, meet Sacraments.

I think we all can attest to observing polarity in some issue or instance in life.  I gained an entirely new awareness to polarity after going through the last presidential election.  Having been raised in a traditional Catholic family I was taught and received the sacraments as I grew up.  As an adult, I was hesitant to begin to study the chakras and other belief systems because I was uncertain about whether I was violating the religious beliefs I grew up with.  This conversation has arisen with several friends who have begun to expand their knowledge on their energetic selves.  They hold the same concern: is learning something different duplicitous of the values they currently hold.  Why can’t it all represent the same thing or can it?

In real life I am terrible at introductions.  Typically I am forever late in being mindful that not everyone in my presence knows each other.  By the time I remember to make introductions those in my presence have already taken it upon themselves.  Ironically I will introduce you today to the overlapping representations of the sacraments and the chakras.  If you are already acquainted, perfect!  I am used to this scenario.

Root Chakra & Baptism

The root chakra represents our need to honor family bonds and to live by  a code of honor within ourselves.  Most will first encounter this experience through the loyalty and bond formed with the biological family and learning to respect the blood bonded members of their tribe.  Families often teach we are all part of one divine family through their church or other religious organization.  The bond to the biological family is symbolic of the connection to everyone.  One example of how we may violate this energy bond is by considering those who are different from us to be less than us.

During Baptism, a family makes a commitment to accept physical responsibility for the life which has been born into the family, and the family accepts responsibility to teach the child spiritual principles.  This is the foundation of faith and truth which is relied upon, and further developed, throughout life.  Adult Baptism consists of two additional commitments:  fully accepting our family of origin as having been divinely chosen to teach us the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime and committing ourselves fully to living honorably as a  member of society.

Both of these set the foundation for our principles and virtues we will chose to live by through this life.  Both approaches also reinforce the ideal “All Is One”, and we are a single being amidst something so very much larger and greater than just our small niche.  We thrive when we align ourselves with those around us who we can rely upon and learn from.

Sacral Chakra & Communion

The sacral chakra receives the power to conduct ourselves with integrity and honor in our relationships.  This energy is especially active in regards to financial, sexual, and creative activity.  When we give integrity and honor to others and receive it back we are creating a union with others based upon our own personal virtues.

Communion is a belief focused on union and each person with whom we share a union is part of our lives by Divine design.  Breaking bread with someone symbolically acknowledges we are all part of one spiritual family and we all need each other to enrich our lives.

Both of these speak to a broader theme to “Honor One Another”.  Everyone in our life plays a role essential to our development.  Our challenge is to become mature enough to recognize and live by this truth while conducting ourselves in an integrity filled manner.

Solar Plexus Chakra & Confirmation

This chakra gives birth to self-confidence, identity, and personal power.  It contains our intuition for survival which alerts us to negative energy or physical danger.  This chakra gives us what is commonly referred to as “gut instinct”.

Confirmation is the acceptance of self accountability for the quality of person we become.  In order to become conscious of ourselves the spirit requires a ceremony to acknowledge the coming of age.  When this ceremony is absent, conscious or unconscious negative impressions manifest into psychological weaknesses.  These psychological weaknesses most often present in a continual need of approval from other people, an inability to appreciate oneself, or unhealthy identifications with gangs, cults, or other negative groups.  The ability to discern intuitive guidance from one’s own spirit rests on a strong sense of self as well as respect for oneself.

Both of these speak to the truth to “Honor Oneself”.  They both direct us to develop self-esteem and self-respect.  If you are questioning the importance of self esteem, think about the difference in our relationships at different points in  your life when you had a lower vs higher level of self respect.  With a higher level of self respect it is easier to follow the gut instincts we are guided by.

Heart Chakra &Marriage

The energy of this chakra reinforces love is the only authentic power.  Our minds, bodies, and spirits require love.  As part of love we must learn to forgive and release all negative emotions toward others.  Doing so refines our ability to love both ourselves and others.

Marriage is a journey and commitment to the responsibility  and exploration of love.  Marriage is a twofold commitment.  We commit to love ourselves and attend consciously to our own emotional needs in order to be able to unconditionally love and accept another.

Both of these speak to the fact “Love is Divine Power”.

Throat Chakra & Confession

We all hold an awareness we were born for a specific purpose.  The energy of our throat chakra is for the awareness and desire to make contact with this Divine plan.  We build our lives according to our own will.  At some point in life we experience an event or crisis which rocks us from our self willed path.  This tends to lead us to ponder what our purpose is or what we’re meant to do.  When we choose to align ourselves with our Divine plan our struggles are reordered to facilitate us onto a path of success and strength.  In other words, we begin to live our own truth.

Confession symbolically acknowledges it is against our design to distort truth.  It also cleanses and heals us from damage we create when we misuse our will power.  We also see this practice in psychological-spiritual healing programs such as twelve-step programs which direct participants to confess and surrender personal will to a power greater than oneself.

Both of these represent the principle to “Surrender Personal Will to Divine Will”.  Surrendering is the greatest act we can perform to bring spiritual stability into our lives.

Third Eye Chakra & Ordination

The energy from this chakra constantly directs us to evaluate the truth and integrity of our beliefs by opening our mind to information beyond the material world.  When we encounter circumstances that push us to examine our past beliefs and let go of perceptions which are untrue, we are being guided through the power of our third eye.

Ordination is the act of taking up the life task of channeling the sacred (or in the literal sense of religion becoming a priest).  We all want our contributions to other people’s lives to be valuable and meaningful.  Symbolically we attain ordination when those around us recognize the contributions we make are beneficial to their personal and spiritual growth.  Being supportive and nonjudgmental with others also creates a channel through which Divine energy flows.

Both of these represent the teaching of “Seek Only the Truth”.  Opening our mind to concepts and beliefs which are different than what we have previously held opens us to a higher truth.  When living from our highest self, through our truth, we are then able to contribute to others’ personal and spiritual journeys without labeling, judging, or belittling them.

Crown Chakra & Extreme Unction

The crown chakra opens our spirits to the eternal.  We are more than our physical bodies, a truth that lends comfort during many of life’s trying times.  It is unnatural to our design to let our thoughts live too long in the past.  By remaining fully present in the current moment we are able to receive spiritual guidance which will only make sense if we step away from unraveling the mysteries of yesterday.  Through the spiritual guidance we are able to ascend into states of high vibration where we thrive, heal, and become stronger spiritually.

Extreme Unction (previously called Anointing of the Sick) was created to release people’s spirits prior to death.  Symbolically this sacrament recognizes our need to call back our spirit to finish our unfinished business.  The energy of this sacrament gives us the ability to release our past experiences in order to not carry them with us.  The power of this sacrament is not limited to the end of life.  As beings we need to bring all things to closure.  When we choose to keep the past more alive than the present, we interfere with the flow of the life force.  By keeping the past alive we view present events through a filter formed by the past traumatic events.  This weakens our spirits as we carry a burden we were not created to bare.

Both of these philosophies teach us to “Live in the Present Moment”.  The present truly is where all the magic happens.

If you’re still reading this high five and gold star for you, especially since there were zero pictures to help you along the way.  If you’re interested in digging deeper into the Chakras, our energetic body, or the overlapping principles of the chakras, sacraments, and sefirot I would recommend reading Caroline Myss.

I will not be blogging next week as I will be embarking upon a new journey which I can’t wait to share more about in the near future.  I promise to make up for the lack of pictures in my next blog too!  Thanks for stopping by.

Peace & Love,



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