The Witness

With the belief I might be able to shed some light on Travis’s case, I arrived 20 minutes early to the witness preparation interview.  I received a call from the FBI agent on my way there and somehow the schedule had been confused for meeting at 2 pm rather than 2:30 pm so they thought […]

The Family Fallout

After growing up in Lincoln, Travis moved to Arizona for 15 years.  In 2017 he was looking for a transition to a job or business opportunity that would fulfill him.  As part of this transition, Travis returned to Lincoln and stayed with his brother and sister-in-law while he decided what his next move would be.  […]

The Evidence

With just under a week to review the evidence I got to work looking at everything available to me objectively.  A new case with fresh eyes, setting aside bias of my criminal justice experience, what I know to be true of Travis’s character, and just following where the evidence led. The evidence the prosecution had […]

Are You Anchored?

Welcome June! June has always been one of my favorite months!  It’s warm but not sweltering, the flowers continue to sprinkle beauty into our surroundings, and I really enjoyed the tasks June brought on the farm growing up as the seeds we had sown began to thrive.  The beginning of summer break always brought a […]