Razor Wire

It took just one week from Travis’s sentencing date to be notified his retirement/investment accounts were being closed.  It was days later Ye (Kanye) West would make the news disclosing his bank accounts had also been closed which came right after his interview with Tucker Carlson as well as the media coverage about his antisemitic […]


Travis has many qualities I’ve always admired, one of them being his tenacious and unrelenting drive to see something through to the end.  It was a very useful trait for him to have throughout this experience. It is now around the 20th of July.  It’s been a month since Travis’s court appearance where he accepted […]

That Doesn’t Violate Our Safety Guidelines

For those of you who don’t know me, I have never been into politics.  I say that because this post is NOT about politics even though it does address the response to a political hot topic.  I have believed in people, integrity, love, and doing what’s best or what works well for the collective.  I […]

Playing the Odds

There’s a common saying in the criminal defense world:  “the federal government can indict a ham sandwich,” and Travis’s defense attorney was disinterested in taking this case to trial.  The defense attorney shared a few stats with Travis, and then we began doing additional research to get the full picture. The statistics are terrifying when […]