Uncovering Truth or Sparring?

On January 10, 2023, the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government was created with Jim Jordan appointed as the chair.  After reading the letter released in mainstream media on November 3, 2023, I was hopeful this committee would uncover truth for the people.  Especially since much of what had been contained within […]

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Those who have been following my journey have read of my spiritual connection and the guidance I receive in my morning devotional time.  This guidance doesn’t always come just in the mornings, and I don’t always want to follow its promptings.  I’ve become disciplined in following where I’m led (except for the night when I […]

General Flynn: Hero or Traitor?

Before we get into the goods, I wanted to thank each of you who have subscribed to the blog, diligently followed each post, or passively kept up with the story.  It means the world to me that you take heart in our life and relationship!  It’s hard to believe I have been writing and posting […]

A Day in the Life

A day in the life of an inmate isn’t too sensational.  Many people are curious about what it’s like so let’s dive into some of the day to day basics. Travis originally started out assigned to a bunk in an open dorm-style housing area which housed 60 people.  During his time in this space it […]

You Deleted Your Account

On another un-noteworthy Thursday night, I drifted off to sleep.  It was just a week or so earlier that I had reclaimed my ability to sleep peacefully throughout the night without waking repeatedly or being up for hours at a night.  Many things in life have no price tag, and sleep is one of them.  […]

Shook Beyond Recognition

It was an un-noteworthy Thursday, with the exception of having several internal promptings to not stay at my house that evening.  Normally I follow my intuition without much question because it’s always guiding me to good things, but for some reason on this day I let my ego get in the way.  I reached out […]

Public Safety Factor

You may recall we were shocked and blindsided when we received Travis’s designation to Rochester FMC as we had been anticipating him to be placed at Yankton Prison Camp.   You can read more about the designation process and experience here.  From what we were able to discern before Travis began his sentence, we believed Travis […]

You’re Saying I’ve Got a Chance

I was thankful when Travis initially told me he was in with a good group of guys, but this group of guys were going to be an enormous asset to Travis time and again.  He had mentioned they were very knowledgeable in prison policy and law, but what this might mean for his future wasn’t […]

The First Call

It was Thursday.  My first full day as a wife of an incarcerated prisoner.  As I walked through the dining room to the kitchen for a cup of coffee that morning, I saw Trav’s phone and wallet.  I picked the wallet up and held it close to my chest and took pause.  For a brief […]

Shadow of Doubt

Looking outside mainstream media proved lucrative in finding additional information, plenty of information, casting more than a shadow of a doubt about the government’s activities.  And when it comes to big tech companies, who is running what?  Are the tech companies running themselves or was the government calling the shots?  Or was it somewhere in […]