Everything You’ve Never Been Told About Money

If you haven’t read last week’s post, please do so before reading this one.  Without that foundational information in viewing our country as a business, this post may be much more difficult to understand. What I’m about to share with you is information that’s very challenging to find.  Not many people present this information, and […]

Lady Justice

The Scales of Justice have long represented the symbolism of justice.  They represent the balancing of truth and fairness in each legal case.  They also represent all evidence being weighed fairly, and typically the side with the most evidence wins the case. Lady Justice originates from Ancient Greece and Rome.  The Greek Goddess of Justice, […]

Check A Box

I have procrastinated long and hard to sit down and write today’s blog. For those who know me well, you know I am apolitical, and for those who don’t know me you are about discover how apolitical I am. There is a saying you should never discuss politics and religion with others. I think that’s […]

Travis Update

Let’s talk about one of my favorite humans and explore his experiences thus far!! For a short period of time, Travis was moved upstairs.  You may recall, Travis started out in an open dorm type housing unit that had an open room holding up to 60 occupants.  Prior to a planned shakedown that housing unit […]

Teacher, Teach Me

In continuing to examine how our systems are interconnected it is important to look at the education, college, and workforce systems.  These three systems alone go hand in hand, but they also are interwoven with the healthcare system and the energy system. Mr. Rockefeller was heavily involved in the educational system by founding the General […]

The Media Machine

There is nothing better after a long, hard week of work to relax and cut loose, right?  The indulgence of having fun and being carefree!  This is the way human nature has progressed for centuries.  Think back to the time of the Roman Gladiators who fought in the coliseums.  The spectators in attendance would booze […]

Uncovering Truth or Sparring?

On January 10, 2023, the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government was created with Jim Jordan appointed as the chair.  After reading the letter released in mainstream media on November 3, 2023, I was hopeful this committee would uncover truth for the people.  Especially since much of what had been contained within […]

Poisonous Propaganda, Poisonous Food

The holidays passed us by in an easy, peaceful way.  We were able to remain present, enjoy each moment, and somehow set aside the reality of what the new year was bringing us.  With that being said though, the holidays were not very holiday-ish.  No décor, no tree, only one holiday party, no presents, no […]

The Axe

It was Friday morning.  Fridays were always a blessing because it meant we had made it through another week, I generally had a bit of a break on the weekends compared to the commitments and work during the week and had more time and energy to be of support to Travis. Friday mornings meant we […]

The Discovery

Travis’s attorney responded to the letter within the timeframe offered by the prosecution.  In our minds we were still erroneously wishing, hoping, and praying the truth would be discovered or the case would be plead down to a misdemeanor. In fact, even Travis’s defense attorney said this should only be a misdemeanor.  But this was […]