General Flynn: Hero or Traitor?

Before we get into the goods, I wanted to thank each of you who have subscribed to the blog, diligently followed each post, or passively kept up with the story.  It means the world to me that you take heart in our life and relationship!  It’s hard to believe I have been writing and posting […]

A Day in the Life

A day in the life of an inmate isn’t too sensational.  Many people are curious about what it’s like so let’s dive into some of the day to day basics. Travis originally started out assigned to a bunk in an open dorm-style housing area which housed 60 people.  During his time in this space it […]

The First Call

It was Thursday.  My first full day as a wife of an incarcerated prisoner.  As I walked through the dining room to the kitchen for a cup of coffee that morning, I saw Trav’s phone and wallet.  I picked the wallet up and held it close to my chest and took pause.  For a brief […]

The Drop Off

How do you prepare yourself to drop your loved one off at prison?  How do you spend your last few days together?  What do you say, or how can you offer them encouragement?  I knew the emotions I was feeling, but I couldn’t imagine the emotions he was feeling. In the days leading up to […]

Government Retired

In my first 10 years of employment in the state’s criminal justice system, it had become a dream of mine to work as a federal employee.  I had my sights set on federal probation.  The workloads were more tolerable, the pay was better, and you were protected by the ability to carry a firearm rather […]

Poisonous Propaganda, Poisonous Food

The holidays passed us by in an easy, peaceful way.  We were able to remain present, enjoy each moment, and somehow set aside the reality of what the new year was bringing us.  With that being said though, the holidays were not very holiday-ish.  No décor, no tree, only one holiday party, no presents, no […]

To Have & To Hold

Marrying a felon who is about to serve 18 months of incarceration while sharing intimate details of your relationship with the entire world is likely a relationship death sentence.  Especially when you stack the statistics of a second marriage on top of it.  I did it anyway and have never felt more sure and aligned […]

Shadow of Doubt

Looking outside mainstream media proved lucrative in finding additional information, plenty of information, casting more than a shadow of a doubt about the government’s activities.  And when it comes to big tech companies, who is running what?  Are the tech companies running themselves or was the government calling the shots?  Or was it somewhere in […]

The Reckoning

Real life requires real talk.  The old me would not have had the courage to share not only this journey, but the lowest of lows along the journey.  Today I share these details to inspire:  inspire hope for your own healing, to demonstrate the reality of what is possible when we choose ourselves day after […]

Faulty, Flawed, & Exposed

It was one final long shot, but since Travis had decided to not retain another lawyer in an attempt to change his designation, he phoned the Rochester FMC again.  His hope was to get any information or options for reporting to Yankton rather than Rochester.  Again, a human answered the phone at Rochester.  They listened […]