Uncovering Truth or Sparring?

On January 10, 2023, the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government was created with Jim Jordan appointed as the chair.  After reading the letter released in mainstream media on November 3, 2023, I was hopeful this committee would uncover truth for the people.  Especially since much of what had been contained within […]

A Day in the Life

A day in the life of an inmate isn’t too sensational.  Many people are curious about what it’s like so let’s dive into some of the day to day basics. Travis originally started out assigned to a bunk in an open dorm-style housing area which housed 60 people.  During his time in this space it […]

The First Letter

During the first few weeks of Travis’s sentence, we were spoiled with regular phone calls.  Some weekends he would even call for 45 minutes (3 separate 15 minute calls).  It was such a blessing as we transitioned to this new and temporary normal for his time away.  (I constantly tell myself this is all temporary […]

The First Call

It was Thursday.  My first full day as a wife of an incarcerated prisoner.  As I walked through the dining room to the kitchen for a cup of coffee that morning, I saw Trav’s phone and wallet.  I picked the wallet up and held it close to my chest and took pause.  For a brief […]

To Have & To Hold

Marrying a felon who is about to serve 18 months of incarceration while sharing intimate details of your relationship with the entire world is likely a relationship death sentence.  Especially when you stack the statistics of a second marriage on top of it.  I did it anyway and have never felt more sure and aligned […]

The Legacy of the Feels

I had the very blessed honor of living with a beautiful soul a few years ago.  This was at a time in my life where I wasn’t really interested in having to live with someone, but the arrangement offered several advantages to both of us so we signed on the dotted line so to speak.  […]

It’s a Canine World Out There

I have always held a very special affinity for animals.  Being raised on a farm gave me a unique opportunity for exposure to all sorts of animals from a very young age.  I can remember being just old enough to climb the ladder into the loft of the barn to seek out the little kittens […]