The Drop Off

How do you prepare yourself to drop your loved one off at prison?  How do you spend your last few days together?  What do you say, or how can you offer them encouragement?  I knew the emotions I was feeling, but I couldn’t imagine the emotions he was feeling. In the days leading up to […]

Poisonous Propaganda, Poisonous Food

The holidays passed us by in an easy, peaceful way.  We were able to remain present, enjoy each moment, and somehow set aside the reality of what the new year was bringing us.  With that being said though, the holidays were not very holiday-ish.  No décor, no tree, only one holiday party, no presents, no […]

Shadow of Doubt

Looking outside mainstream media proved lucrative in finding additional information, plenty of information, casting more than a shadow of a doubt about the government’s activities.  And when it comes to big tech companies, who is running what?  Are the tech companies running themselves or was the government calling the shots?  Or was it somewhere in […]

The Reckoning

Real life requires real talk.  The old me would not have had the courage to share not only this journey, but the lowest of lows along the journey.  Today I share these details to inspire:  inspire hope for your own healing, to demonstrate the reality of what is possible when we choose ourselves day after […]

Faulty, Flawed, & Exposed

It was one final long shot, but since Travis had decided to not retain another lawyer in an attempt to change his designation, he phoned the Rochester FMC again.  His hope was to get any information or options for reporting to Yankton rather than Rochester.  Again, a human answered the phone at Rochester.  They listened […]

Razor Wire

It took just one week from Travis’s sentencing date to be notified his retirement/investment accounts were being closed.  It was days later Ye (Kanye) West would make the news disclosing his bank accounts had also been closed which came right after his interview with Tucker Carlson as well as the media coverage about his antisemitic […]


We watched this video in September.  It is a lecture Judge Gerard gave on April 17, 2021 to the University of Nebraska at Omaha School of Criminology & Criminal Justice.  You don’t have to watch the entire thing, but I encourage you to take a few minutes to view Judge Gerard’s self-proclamations at the 5 […]

Judgment Day

The nights leading up to October 6th became longer and longer with less and less sleep.  We found it impossible to not be nervous even with the assistance of all of the nervous system regulating tools available to us.  However, we clung to faith believing we would be able to move forward with our lives […]

Cancel Culture

At the end of July I realized I needed a moment to rejuvenate, to have something to look forward to, and to have some support around me.  We had been traveling this road for five months…alone, quietly, in stillness.  As much as I wanted to be there and not leave Travis for several days, I […]

Mitigating Factors

We had gotten so used to getting bad news, we had stopped anticipating receiving any good news at all.  But the probation recommendation was the one bright light throughout this entire situation.  After collecting and compiling all of Travis’s information, the probation office had made a recommendation of three years probation supervision with 150 hours […]