
Travis has many qualities I’ve always admired, one of them being his tenacious and unrelenting drive to see something through to the end.  It was a very useful trait for him to have throughout this experience. It is now around the 20th of July.  It’s been a month since Travis’s court appearance where he accepted […]

That Doesn’t Violate Our Safety Guidelines

For those of you who don’t know me, I have never been into politics.  I say that because this post is NOT about politics even though it does address the response to a political hot topic.  I have believed in people, integrity, love, and doing what’s best or what works well for the collective.  I […]

The Axe

It was Friday morning.  Fridays were always a blessing because it meant we had made it through another week, I generally had a bit of a break on the weekends compared to the commitments and work during the week and had more time and energy to be of support to Travis. Friday mornings meant we […]

Infamously Famous

We lived on coffee, adrenaline, and the hope of reprieve until June 16th.  We were so anxious about what was to come and so expectant to finally find a bit of peace in our lives knowing there would be a few months until sentencing. The hearing for Travis to enter his official plea was held […]

The Evidence

With just under a week to review the evidence I got to work looking at everything available to me objectively.  A new case with fresh eyes, setting aside bias of my criminal justice experience, what I know to be true of Travis’s character, and just following where the evidence led. The evidence the prosecution had […]

Do As I Say

It was the very next day, June 2nd.  I was minding my own business completing another day’s work for the government and my business when my phone rang.  Caller ID:  FBI.  Was it really them, would they call from a number with caller ID because their previous calls had not registered on caller ID?  Was […]

Playing the Odds

There’s a common saying in the criminal defense world:  “the federal government can indict a ham sandwich,” and Travis’s defense attorney was disinterested in taking this case to trial.  The defense attorney shared a few stats with Travis, and then we began doing additional research to get the full picture. The statistics are terrifying when […]