Hello there! I am excited about this week’s topic as it ties into part of a presentation I attended last week. If you were asked what the best things in life are, what would be your answer? Would it be your house, your car, or the latest and greatest gaming console? What I hear most often when I ask people this question is the best things in life are not things. The best things are people, place, memories, feelings, and moments filled with smiles and laughter.

I can easily remember the time I laughed the hardest ever in my entire life. We were in Breckenridge on the slopes and a friend of mine had taken a rare momentary break to drink a brew. He had his beer in one hand, his video recorder in the other, and his poles in the snow. The next thing we know he lost his equilibrium and face planted on the mountain riding his face underneath a ski lift until he could finally bring the momentum to a halt. Upon doing so he raised his beer and camera in their respective hands victoriously over his head. He had crushed the can but managed not to waste his beverage or damage his camera during the mishap. Not only was our entire group laughing hysterically at the sight, but all those who passed by on the ski lift in perfect timing to catch the action were relishing in the amusement of the event.

This was the view of the canyon wall behind us.

Another fantastic memory was hiking False Kiva in Canyonlands a little over a year ago with my significant other. I had found this hike online and wanted to complete it near sunset. We didn’t know the trailhead would not be marked or identified on the park map. We had to hunt to find the hike, but the treasure awaiting us and the reward of our efforts will forever be etched in our hearts. The hike was fairly short, but the rocky terrain and abrupt elevation change made it quite challenging. As we took pause at the canyon’s edge we had a steep canyon wall behind us and a drastic drop directly in front of us as the only way in and out was the way we had come. If I had been dropped by helicopter to this precise location I would have never imagined I would have been able to make it out of there. Thank goodness for cairns! The exhilaration of doing something my mind could not conceive in such an beautiful awe inspiring setting is nearly beyond words!

This was the view from the edge of the canyon. Check out the ledge in the bottom of the photo! This canyon was enormous!

What sets apart these  memories as the best things in life over material objects?  There are three types of energy which come into play.  They are creation, transformation, and completion.  Completion energy is what allows us to “have” in life.  Completion energy brings materialism into the physical plane.    Transformation energy is expressed through doing.   I am a recovering chronic transformer.  I used to be doing anything and everything  every single day with a schedule packed full of tasks.  I found my worth defined by how productive I could be each day which kept me limited to  living predominantly through transformation energy.  Although, when looking back I can’t really remember anything useful I actually transformed through all of this doing.  Just like completion energy, it comes with gratification but it’s immediate and fairly short lived.  The final type of energy is creation which translates into our state of being.    We are not human doings or human havings but rather human beings.   It is in the state of being where we create, and creating comes with such a deeper sense of fulfillment.  After all it is a pure expression of who you are rather than what you have done or what you have acquired.  Whether it’s creating a home environment full of love, a meaningful relationship, an art project, or a career where we utilize our most precious and innate gifts to create a vocation where we don’t actually work a single day of our lives, when we are  connected with creation energy we are  living our true essence.  This  makes creation energy have a much longer lasting and deeper sense of gratification.   

How does this tie into the two stories I shared at the beginning of the post?  The first story is an expression of the close, light hearted, fun, and joy filled friendships I am blessed to  be in.  The ones where you are accepted for who you are, flaws and all.  You can merely be and feel unconditional love and support.  The second resonates with the adventurous, determined, and  daring part of my being.  Both events took place in nature which is where my mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional beings feel most aligned and centered. 

I’m curious what makes your best things in life list?  I’d also love to hear how you’ll be putting your powerful creation energy to use… what  will you be creating this year!  Since the comments section is broken below please  shoot me a quick message instead.  Thanks for stopping by!

Peace & Love,


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