The Root of All Things Good

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying ‘money is the root of all evil’.  I want to challenge and rewrite this narrative to be ‘money is the root of all things good!’  Money does not make you good or evil, even though society teaches otherwise.  Money amplifies that which you already are. 

If you are a good person you will do really good things with money.  If you are a not so good person you will do not so good things with money.  We’ve seen several examples of the latter in this blog series.  This is why it is so important for good people to be the ones who are wealthy.  Influence comes with money, and if pure people with a heart for good have money, good things will come as a result of the money.  But money is not the cause of bad, and we surely cannot ignore human nature’s propensity for greed, power, and control. 

Money is not a standalone item.  It, of course, is just one piece of a larger system that involves money supply, currency, and banking.  The banks of old are much different than our modern day banks, and as we traverse further evolution into possible digital banking currency, it could look even vastly different than it has to date with paper currency.

The days of old started with a barter and trade system.  I’ll give you a bushel of cucumbers for 32 oz of milk.  It was entirely decentralized as people traded with those in proximity with them as there were physical limitations on the ability to trade.  There was no set value system either.  No one predetermined a bushel of cucumbers held the same value as 32 oz of milk or that 5 lbs of beef would be an even trade for a chicken.  Each time a trade was made the two parties would barter to come to terms on what was fair and amicable to them. 

Metals were the next step in the barter and trade system, and this had a much bigger impact than what we tend to think about on the surface.  Instead of bartering with goods and services, people began exchanging gold or silver in exchange for the items they wanted to procure.  This led to the need for self-protection though so they wouldn’t get robbed of their assets. 

This is where banks entered the picture.  They were established to store wealth for safe keeping.  Think of the modern day safety deposit box.  Jordan Maxwell’s teachings are incredibly fascinating in regards to the monetary system.  He teaches how our society was established around admiralty maritime law.  This is the law of water which is used for boats, ships, and all things water related.  We are supposed to be governed by the law of the land; you may have even heard that saying before.  Law of the land is common law, not maritime law.

But with the monetary system, we see the maritime law come through in all of the terms used.  They connect to water, banks and currency are just two examples.  Look up Powers and Duties of Banks under statute 12 USC 1431, and you will see for yourself banks were not originally designed for lending.  That’s right.  Banks lend money every single day, yet that’s not what the law delegated for their power and duty to be.

How did we get here?  In 1910 six men, Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davidson, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip, and Paul Warburg met at the Jekyll Island Club to create a plan to reform the nation’s banking system.  The book Creature from Jekyll Island is a deep dive into what happened back in the day leading up to and throughout the creation of the Federal Reserve.

There had been two previous attempts to establish this type of banking system.  Andrew Jackson had previously and single handedly vetod a bill to recharter the banks so they could not centralize. Jackson, just like Jefferson and Madison before him, thought the Bank of the United States was unconstitutional.  People went to the banks wanting their money, but the money wasn’t there.  This is what is commonly called a ‘run on the banks’ which we’re also seeing happen in current time, resulting in banks defaulting and failing.

Try, try again and in 1913 the Federal Reserve was created turning the United States into a corporation.  The way this was presented to the American people was clever and disguising of course so they would believe this was a positive and beneficial change.  Do you see the same occurring today?  For instance in modern day, we see the turbulence in the banking system and digital currency presented as a solution.  Media drives the narrative of the response to be a positive solution advancing our society, and typically the government will step in to save the day.

It’s a common strategy to present the changes being made offer so much convenience that it cloaks the true impact those changes have for the average person.  Essentially an “issue” is presented as the solution to our problem (i.e. physical/social distancing during the pandemic) and we the people don’t see the true intention of the solution which is actually to divide and disconnect the people.  We fail to see the freedoms and liberties these solutions take from us, but it takes looking deeper than surface level to see all that goes on in the world around us. 

Back to the six families setting up the Federal Reserve.  As the U.S. was turned into a corporation, the families created a bank system to supply, print, and control all of the money, superseding the government.  The Federal Reserve is a deceitful name as it suggests its part of the government when it is indeed entirely separate from our government.  Remember the pyramid of power with the people on the bottom, government second from the bottom, and various banks above the government and having the most power?

Who is the #1 borrower from the Federal Reserve?  The government which means these families have enormous influence and power over the government through the running of the Federal Reserve.  What does driving up the debt ceiling do for these families?  Ensures they don’t lose control over the government as the government will need to borrow money from the Federal Reserve.

As a result of the Federal Reserve being created, currency as we know it today was also created.  What most don’t realize about it however, is that the dollar bill is a debt note (debt=something owed).  Look at your dollar bills.  Possessing them technically makes you the debtor; another way of saying that is you owe the amount.  This might be hard to fathom, especially if this is the first time you’ve heard this.

Also on the dollar is the words IN GOD WE TRUST.  The Federal Reserve set up a trust for the United States called “In God We”.  The Dunn and Bradstreet database lists every commercial business, and this trust, as well as the trusts of individual states, can be found in that database.  If the U.S. wasn’t a corporation (or company), why would it need a trust documented in a commercial business database?

Jordan Maxwell explains every single sign and symbol on the dollar bill.  If you want to know more, he goes much further in depth then what I will be doing here.

I know all of this is the opposite of what you’ve always been taught.  We believe when we work we are paid for the work when we’re actually being given debt notes for our labor.  Do you want to know how the system works where they are using you as the creditor and making profits off of you?  That’s another huge can of worms that we will open in the next few weeks to come.  Stay tuned…

The systems set up by these families established profitability for them far and wide.  For example, think about the convenience of a credit or debt transaction. No more carrying cash, counting money, figuring out change.  Instead, swipe and you’re done.  With every single transaction a percentage (around 3%) goes to the banks instead of to the business you’re paying.  This is just one way the banks siphon money from the people while we think the convenience of the payment is the best thing ever, completely ignoring the impact it has on the value of the dollar, who possesses wealth and what they’re doing with their wealth, or how much more businesses have to charge (you are paying more) for the same item so they can cover the transaction fee.

We’ve seen the system already shift from gold and silver to bank note with some digital currency (i.e. Venmo, PayPal, Stripe, Apply Pay, Zelle, etc) mixed in while there’s a desire to use only digital currency in the near future.  By moving to digital currency, the system moves further away from a definitive and seen value into the illusion of money instead.  It also moves to more control and tracking:  tracking what you buy and turning off your ability to purchase more when you’ve reached your monthly limit.

Some are saying beef and other animal protein products will be items tracked and monitored so global warming can be controlled.  This means once you meet your monthly or weekly limit of purchasing animal products you won’t be able to purchase more if you desire.  Who will be setting those limits?  Likely it will be more laws enacted by Congress, but only time will tell.

What price are you willing to pay for convenience?  This question isn’t flippant.  I strongly encourage you discerning what convenience is worth to you.

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Follow my journey, hear more about this story, and consider all things seen and unseen on my internet radio show, ‘Eyes Wide Open’ airing every Wednesday evening at 6 pm EST/5 pm CST/3 pm PST.  Listen to the replays toward the bottom of this webpage.   

Thank you for praying for us, supporting us, sharing our story: is a free Christian Crowdfunding site.  They are built on the fact as Christians they know money, as helpful as it is, is only part of the equation.  Their platform is designed not only to encourage Christians to raise money to make a difference in the world, but to also remind that sharing hope (through prayer submission) is even more important, as it is a lasting solution.


Peace & Love,


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