We’ll Do What They Can’t

There have been a couple more releases from the “Twitter Files”.  If I were to sum it up into one sentence, I would say my main take away from these two releases were that government funded organizations and agencies were helping to monitor and censor speech where the government knew it could not legally take action.  Instead, the government paid agencies to do what it couldn’t do itself.  Strategic.

Not only was Twitter (and other social media platforms) censoring content that might promote vaccine hesitancy, they also monitored all tweets made from President Trump and President Biden’s personal accounts.  I really encourage you to read through this information on your own as you will see the email exchanges, correspondence, the various social media platforms involved, and the videos yourself.

While non-government organizations (NGO), which are nonprofits, ideally serve as a check on corporations and the government, the correspondence found in the Twitter Files indicate the social media platform, government, and NGOs all working together as a “signal group”.

The Aspen Institute was one of the NGOs, which is government funded, released its Final Report from the Commission on Information Disorder.  Who were the commissioners the Aspen Institute hired to create this report? 

  • Marla Blow: President & COO of Skoll Foundation
  • Katie Couric: Journalist & Founder of Katie Couric Media
  • Aaron D. Ford: Nevada Attorney General
  • Yasmin Green: Director, Research, & Development of Jigsaw
  • Prince Harry: The Duke of Sussex
  • Will Hurd: Former Congressman of Texas

Their final report concluded “the state should have total access to data to make searching speech easier, speech offenders should be put in a ‘holding area,’ and government should probably restrict disinformation, even if it means losing some freedom.”

This report is one of many examples given of how closely Twitter worked with government agencies and non-government agencies funded by taxpayer dollars to censor accounts, speech, and individual users.  Accounts were flagged for “anti-Ukrainian narratives”, for speaking out about the 2020 election, and the state-funded Virality Project requested Twitter accounts be removed that might cause vaccine hesitancy even when they were sharing “stories of true vaccine side effects.”

Standford was also involved when it created the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP).  Director Alex Stamos is on video saying himself “…there was a lack of capability around election disinformation.  This is not because CISA didn’t care about disinformation, but at the time they lacked both kinda the funding and the legal authorizations to go do the kinds of work that would be necessary to truly understand how election disinformation was operated.  So because of the feedback and the ideas from this group we were able to pull together pretty quickly a project between these four institutions to try to fill the gap of the things the government could not do themselves.”

Twitter File journalist, Matt Taibbi, goes on to report:  “The EIP research manager, Renee DiResta (former CIA employee), proclaimed during a video presentation while filling ‘gaps’, the EIP succeeded in getting “tech partners” Google, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter to take action on 35% of the URLs flagged under “remove, reduce, or inform” policies.”

In case you didn’t catch it above, EIP was partnered with CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) and GEC (Global Engagement Center) while seeking to censor or remove millions of tweets.  And previous Twitter Files revealed the involvement of the FBI and DHS amongst other three lettered governmental agencies. 

After the 2020 election the EIP became the Virality Project, and the Virality Project monitored content in mass quantities for Twitter, Google/YouTube, Facebook/Instagram, Medium, TikTok, and Pinterest.  This is documented in the Twitter Files released on March 17th.

This release focuses primarily on the censorship around vaccines by the Virality Project, and by the beginning of March 2021 the Virality Project had extended its scope to include additional social media platforms Gab, Parler, Telegram, and Gettr.  While Twitter’s standards for censorship required a story to be “demonstrably false” or contain an “assertion of fact”, the Virality Project told Twitter to censor “true stories that could fuel hesitancy” including “celebrity deaths after vaccine”.

Other topics they censored or labeled as “misinformation” included vaccine passports because it created further vaccine hesitancy, natural immunity, breakthrough infections, and even classified accounts asking questions as problematic implying it was a tactic commonly used by those spreading misinformation.

This one is especially worthy of taking the time to read on your own and discover all that is revealed rather than reading a summary.  The Department of Homeland Security created a “Disinformation Governance Board” at the end of April 2022.  And the Pentagon-funded Graphika said the disinformation leads to a society that finds it too challenging to identify what’s true or false.  Recently on my ‘Eyes Wide Open’ radio show I shared why confusion is a key strategy used against society and many of the ways confusion is purposefully being created.  Additionally, I share the true motivation is to control your thoughts; even though on the surface it appears the control is being asserted on your healthcare choices, who you vote for, and other distractions to keep you unaware that it’s really all about controlling your thoughts.  You can check out the first episode in that series here.

The Virality Project communications doubled down on what has been produced in the recent Missouri/Louisiana v Biden Administration court case I’ve previously mentioned, which showed Facebook admitting to the World Health Organization (WHO) that it, too, was censoring true content.  And while Mr. Zuckerberg was censoring his platform about true information regarding the vaccines, what was he telling his staff?   Try as I may, I can’t get the video to upload here, but he was recorded saying he offers caution in taking the vaccine as the long- term effects of modifying people’s RNA and DNA is unknown.

It is scary to see how significant the censorship on free speech has been on our internet and media platforms over the past several years!  Steps are being taken to protect speech from government interference.  The “Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act” was introduced in January of this year, and it has passed the house.  You can read the bill and contact your appropriate representative should you support it passing through the Senate and being enacted as law.

Follow my journey, hear more about this story, and consider all things seen and unseen on my internet radio show, ‘Eyes Wide Open’ airing every Wednesday evening at 6 pm EST/5 pm CST/3 pm PST.  Listen to the replays toward the bottom of this webpage.   

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Peace & Love,


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