What Can a Tribe Do For You?

Let me begin this week by recognizing all of the hard working, dedicated, loving, comforting, teaching, consoling, nurturing, and loving moms out there!  As I observe my friends pouring their heart and soul into their children it is apparent what a tough gig it can be.  It is these friends, my tribe, who allow me to get an up close and personal look at the beautiful, difficult, glorious, exhilarating, exhausting, fulfilling, and challenging job raising and growing little humans in this world can be.  I hold deep adoration to each of these women for their hard work and diligence offered to their families.

Not only does my tribe share with me their children and family experiences, they share so much more in this wild experience of life which can’t be obtained through other means.  A tribe has endless positive attributes.  If you do not yet have a tribe of your own I strongly urge you to seek out those souls who will fill this space for you.  Let me share with you some of the amazing things my tribe does for me.  They light my fire encouraging and supporting me through every endeavor I seek.  They hold me accountable with gentle love, pushing and encouraging me to obtain my goals.  They hold my hand, wipe away my tears, and give me strength during my struggles.  They grant me the autonomy to seek out the path which is best for me, never judging that I am making mistakes or doing something I shouldn’t be doing.  This tribe embraces the learning which occurs through the journey of life and invite me to learn in whatever way I choose while lovingly presenting new paradigms when needed.  My tribe is full of genuine souls who embody and model authenticity, class, discipline, and refinement.  The effort these women put into making themselves a more wholesome individual every single day is motivating and inspiring.  They have demonstrated self forgiveness when falling short of their goals; a trait I have often struggled to extend to myself.  Seeing these women embrace such a mindset has made it easier for me to be more accepting of all of me.  Most importantly, through their deep level of acceptance I have learned it’s not only safe but ever so important to be vulnerable in friendships and relationships.  As I’ve discussed in my previous blogs it creates a much deeper level of connection with others.


Behind each of these tribe members is another woman who raised their daughters to lift women up rather than tear them down, to extend love to all, to be real, transparent, and authentic, to forgive even when it feels impossible, to support, encourage, and motivate other souls to be empowered, to be open minded rather than filled with judgment, and to chase dreams, aspirations, and goals as if failure does no exist.  Not only do I extend gratitude to the modern day hard working women on the grind of balancing both motherhood and career to raise the next generation, but I extend gratitude to the women of the past generation who molded, raised, and created such beautiful souls who I get to claim as my tribe today.  As with so many things in life, we, as women are stronger together!  Happy Mother’s Day!

Peace & Love,



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