Healing From the Body Level Up™

HBLU™ is a holistic energy psychology system which clears mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks to success and wellness.  This unique technique allows you to tap into your innate wisdom, by utilizing muscle testing, to identify and clear the patterns interfering with reaching your goals.  More on this in the videos below!

Regardless of what you desire to achieve or create in your life, this innovative method is effective at moving you toward your goal and simultaneously increasing your overall health and wellness through this unique mind body approach.

HBLU brings results to alleviating symptoms and suffering even when nothing else has worked for you!  HBLU offers the following:

  • Trauma & fragmentation healing
  • Phobia Healing
  • Anxiety Relief
  • Addictions
  • Enneagram coaching & transformation
  • Weight managements & all types of disordered eating
  • Family systems
  • Emotional stability & processing
  • Inner child & inner parenting
  • Business expansion
  • Divine Purpose/Soul Mission
  • Timeline therapy with soul retrieval
  • Seduction patterns (original research of Dr. Judith Swack)
  • Lightworker guidance & development
  • Overtangles (spiritual influences stopping you from doing your soul mission and leading a fulfilling life)

The first four videos below explain the systematic approach of HBLU™ in a nutshell.

This last video is a tutorial of Natural Bio-Destressing.  Natural Bio-Destressing is one of several of the tapping interventions HBLU teaches to empower you in releasing stagnant emotions from your nervous system.