• Are you tired of having the same fight over the same issue and never finding any resolution…for years on end?
  • Are you tired of feeling misunderstood, invalidated, and ignored?
  • Are you tired of being reactive with your partner rather than compassionate?
  • Are you tired of having your feelings hurt and taking things personally?
  • Are you tried of feeling like the only solution is to agree to disagree?
  • Are you tired of ignoring the problems in your relationship because discussing them is more destructive than the issue itself?
  • Are you tired of feeling like you have no intimate connection?
  • Are you ready to communicate with compassion, be heard, understood, honored, and find a solution to those long-standing conflicts?

Then this is for you!

man in gray crew neck long sleeve shirt standing beside woman in black crew neck shirt

It’s not the issue, it’s the way you talk about the issue.

You feel misunderstood and invalidated.  Your partner feels their solutions aren’t good enough and are dismissed. 

It’s a lose-lose-lose situation that happens every time you have a disagreement.

You lose.  Your partner loses.  The relationship loses.

Encountering a challenge in life leads to you fighting against one another instead of being a united team navigating the challenge together.

Communication is the most impactful tool in relationships.  Having healthy communication strategies alone aren’t enough… why is there a desire by you and your partner to say hurtful, harming, and reactive words in the first place?

Having a magic formula for productive conversations doesn’t do any good if you throw the formula out the window and spew hurtful words in the moment of upset. 

This course is practical:  you’ll receive proven communication strategies that reduce tension and increase connection in relationships.
This course is energetics healing the underlying wounds causing impulsive, reactive, and hurtful communication.

man and woman sitting posing for photo

Hi, I’m Janessa.

My relationship resume includes a divorce at just 22 years old, after one year of marriage.  I met my true love five years ago, but we didn’t have a fairy tale relationship.  After several perceived betrayals by each of us, it was clear we needed to rebuild our relationship on a much more solid foundation if we wanted the relationship to stand the test of time.

We had to heal the past issues we both carried into our relationship and dramatically improve our communication.  The result has brought more happiness into our hearts and harmony into our home than we could have ever imagined.  No more of the same arguments with no solutions.  No more predictable, irritating, and reactive behaviors.

Instead, there is…


So what is in this course?

These 8 powerful modules which will teach you everything you need to discover about yourself, your partner, and communication techniques so you can have healthy conversations no matter what curve balls life throws your way.  Because that is what you deserve and what you have the empowerment to create in your relationship too.

Not only will you be learning the core principles for healthy communication, you will be healing past wounds that evoke undesirable reactions, behaviors, and tensions from you and your partner.

Here’s an overview of the modules:

Module 1-  Why Other People’s Words Have Nothing to do With You -we project our reality onto others and they do the same to us.  Other people’s words have everything to do with them, & your words have everything to do with you.  $247 value

Module 2- Predictable Communication Styles Based Upon Personality -get to know each other’s personality to communicate power to power and lif each other up.  $247 value

Module 3-  How You Talk to Yourself Matters -your internal landscape creates what you experience in the world so learn to be your own best friend & talk to yourself with the compassion you give your best friend.  $247 value

Module 4- Become Untriggerable -take being reactive out of the equation and stand in your power.  $247 value

Module 5- Communication Etiquette -arguments begin due to the way the discussion is brought up rather than the issue being discussed & a little etiquette goes a long way in setting conversations up for success!  $247 value

Module 6- Accepting Communication Differences -some people are thinkers while others are feelers which leads to some big differences in communication.  Learn to honor both perspectives in your discussions. $247

Module 7- Communication Formula -a conversation structure and clear roadmap to both parties being seen, heard, & valued.  $999 value

Module 8- Addressing Stumbling Blocks -this module is to serve & support you– get your questions answered & receive assistance with what doesn’t come naturally.  $247 value

woman riding on man's back on green field


I am an active and outdoorsy soul.  I love to hike, travel, ride my motorcycle, and workout in my driveway.  For real, it’s my fave gym!  I am giddy and gleeful wherever I can find a stack of books and the wisdom stored within their pages. I can serve you up the yummiest brownies that will send you straight into divine, chocolate bliss.  And I LOVE to spend time with my family!

I spent the first two decades of my career working various positions in the criminal justice field:  prison, probation, drug court, and more. It was here I learned the value of relationships because at the core of every individual I encountered there was a desire and need for connection.  It was also here where I learned the level of respect, positivity, and loyalty given to others is returned to you.

At the time I worked in the Criminal Justice field my own relationships were strained, challenging, and filled with mistrust.  After divorcing so young, I felt isolated and alone but would never share that with anyone.  Dishonesty had become a regular part of my relationships as I lied to hide and protect an eating disorder I wrestled with for years.

As I found my way to the other side of the eating disorder, improvement in my relationships did not follow suit.  It took many years for me to build self-worth, self-love, and faith in myself to be able to extend respect, love, and trust to others.  As I’m sure you already know, relationships without a solid foundation are challenging and often heart breaking.

My relationships today look nothing like before.  I couldn’t be closer with my family, my friends are as close to me as my family, and after a five-year courtship my significant other and I will be tying the knot soon.  

And I want EVERYONE to have solid relationships with healthy communication.

I created this course so you can leave the struggles, disappointment, and heartache in the past and have a beautiful, blissful union with your significant other…or mother, daughter, best friend, and every important person in your life!


There will be two LIVE sessions each week with me!  Magic happens in live energy as you will have the ability to get answers to all of your questions, assistance with your stumbling blocks, and the deepest healing opportunity possible.  At this time, I do not have plans of offering this course again live in the future.

All sessions will be uploaded to a platform where you will have lifetime access to the content and calls.  You are welcome to watch the modules as many times as you’d like to ensure you are able to move beyond information by successfully interweaving what you learn into your conversations.

Revisiting the content is invaluable for navigating those challenging conversations which pop up along the way as you master the art of communication.  Plus, you will get access to all upgrades to this course for FREE!

The stronger your communication skills become the better your relationships become and the happier and more peaceful you will be!

smiling man and woman about to kiss

So if are ready to:

  • have harmonious discussions with resolutions to the issues that have plagued your relationship for years
  • feel validated, understood, and heard
  • be able to discuss and resolve the issues you’ve swept under the rug
  • respond to your partner with compassion and support
  • tackle life’s curveballs as a unified team
  • stop taking things personally by staying in your place of empowerment
  • be respected, honored, and loved while also respecting, honoring, and loving your partner

Then you belong here!

Powerful relationships where the two of you are stronger together aren’t just for fairy tales and tv.  They are meant for you.

Because you deserve it!
Because you are worthy of it!
Because you can create it!

All it takes is you accepting this invitation and saying “Yes!!” to yourself and the happiness you’ve been yearning for in your relationships.