Abundantly Abundant Abundance

Man, with a title like that the topic of this blog isn’t predictable at all huh?  My perspective of abundance has long been an experience of chasing a unicorn riding leprechaun to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I had long believed abundance was limited to monetary gain and was something you had to endlessly and tirelessly work for by means of solving an unreasonably complicated and overly scientific formula which looks something like: x=10% tithing multiplied by 10,000 community service hours per year divided by the square root of 20 hours of overtime each pay period plus fake happy during every uncomfortable social event minus a bad attitude. Once this formula was completed, Wah-la!, abundance in finances would magically spew forth into your life.  Except it didn’t.  Possibly because I’m not mathematician enough to solve the formula for x, or possibly because I wouldn’t have known what abundance looked like even if it had smacked me in the face.  It’s pretty incredible how the brain can create complicated hoaxes for what are actually simplistic concepts.

One magical day I was doing this one thing I deeply, passionately (maybe even abundantly) LOVE to do–reading–when I discovered one glorious sentence which changed my mindset permanently.  “Abundance is your birthright.”  I could literally feel my brain stretching around this idea like a rubber band, but I simultaneously felt this must be something everyone else in the world already knew.  If by any chance this is new to you please by all means embrace it and read on! I must add the book I was reading had zero things to do with abundance.  In fact, it was quite an unexpected excerpt as the book, “Awakening the Giant Within” by Greg Doyle, was about the astral realms, but awaken a giant it did indeed do.  I love the light bulb moments in life.  You know those moments when you discover a technology, concept, idea, or tool and your first response is “Where have you been all my life?!?!”  That’s precisely what passed through my mind in that moment, and just as quickly a response followed: “all around you.”  My light bulb was feeling oh so bright, and I knew this new idea was something with which I needed to spend more time.

As I stopped reading to consider abundance as my birthright I discovered there was no truer truth.  Abundance had absolutely always been around me in every form (not just financially) should I merely turn my awareness toward it.  I have been blessed with always having enough:  enough food on the table, enough clothes to wear, enough friends, enough pennies to pay the bills, enough jobs to generate income, enough ambition to accomplish my goals, enough resilience to never give up, and enough energy to get through my days.  In further reflecting I began to give gratitude and adoration for somehow having always been taken care of in this lifetime.  With the gratitude came an awakening of even more items which gives life abundant richness, items I’d always taken for granted:  fresh air to fill my lungs, clean water to hydrate and cleanse me, health, and how enjoyable our five senses make this human experience.  As I entered this new practice of gratitude for all of the abundance in my life, more and more things began showing up:  free concert tickets, finding money regularly while walking my dog, more friends with the most admirable of spirits, and even though there are still 24 hours in a day it feels as though I have more time (especially more time to nurture my soul).  

By opening myself to receiving one of the many things which I was innately created to have, I’ve been able to see abundance pouring into my life in the most abundant ways possible.  And it all began by reading one simple sentence of something no one had ever taught me before.  While any time of year is ideal for noticing abundance, the holiday season is a phenomenal time to observe abundance around you.  With the plethora of holiday parties, hustle and bustle, and charitable giving there’s no better opportunity to recognize abundance showing up in your life in the form of energy, friends, generosity, kindness, creativity, love, wealth, joy, memories being made, brightness of lights which your eyes can perceive, or any of the other thousands of ways abundance saturates the world we live in.

May your holiday season be abundantly rich in all the ways!  Thanks for stopping by.

Peace & Love,


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