
Decision: [dəˈsiZH(ə)n] (noun)- a solution or resolution reached after consideration Successful people make decisions quickly and change their minds slowly.  And it isn’t about being impulsive and having a fixed mindset that is unwilling to course correct.  It’s about belief. A decision begins the process of making a commitment to yourself to make something happen.  […]

Where Do Results Come From?

If asked this question, would you stutter and stammer the same way you do when a four-year-old asks you where babies come from? Or would your answer come easily and quickly because of course results come from hard work, determination, and fortitude? How about I let you in on the little-known fact there is an […]

Law of Giving & Receiving

The law of giving and receiving is pretty intuitive as it guides us to be balanced in both giving and receiving.  Giving does not make you strong while receiving does not make you weak.  Both are necessary to honor the natural rhythms–both your rhythms and the rhythms of others.  Think about if you tried to […]

Law of Compensation

The law of compensation takes real faith and trust.  All the laws do if we’re being honest, but there was something about this law that took me longer to fully embody.  It tells us we will be positively compensated for our actions and work.  The catch is that we must be open to receive it […]

Law of Attraction

You’ve likely already heard of this universal law as it is the most popular and most talked about universal principle.  While it draws a lot of attention and many people rely on it heavily to create and have the things they desire, these laws are interconnected and intertwined.   For instance, the law of attraction is […]

Laughter is Truly the Best Medicine

Hi friends! I woke up this morning and read my daily quote, and it was obvious today is the day I am to get this blog up. My calendar contained sage words from Harriet Rochlin, “Laughter can be more satisfying than honour; more precious than money; more heart-cleansing than prayer.” I have long believed if […]

Aim, Plan, Achieve.

What feels more amazing then setting your sights on an aspiration, creating a plan, and then slaying your way to success? There might be a few things, but this simple pleasure in life is one of my most enjoyable feelings to experience. There is one itty, bitty, teeny, weeny thing which has massive impact to […]

Just Do It

Hi friends! I assure you this is not a Nike commercial. I do hope it will be a pump you up, believe in yourself, dream big, go crush your most audacious-brazen-bold-outrageous aspirations in the whole wide world pep talk though! Moving into this week’s topic we’re going to chat about how the hardest things to […]

It’s so Elementary

Hi there! This blog has been challenging to get started. I have started, deleted, restarted, deleted… Therefore, I’m diving right in to the point with this one. This week brings us to my mantra to never stop learning. I have learned more from self education than from any education (or degree) I’ve ever purchased. On […]

Making Magic Happen

Happy 2019!  We’re off to a new year and with it comes new year’s resolutions, goal setting, or intentions.  On the surface these things all seem interchangeable and synonymous, but technically they do vary.  I’ll get to this in a bit, but since I have found putting my intentions down on paper to be one […]