Are Superheroes Only for the Movies?

Hey friends!    I hope this week has  been wonderful for you all!  Honestly, my week could not have been more jam packed full of task mastering which has really given me a sense of accomplishment.  Productivity is a double edged sword for me though.  It always fills me from the perspective of feeling as though I have conquered and divided so many things which needed completed.  On the other hand,  I don’t always take the time necessary for self care, rest, or playfulness. 

This past week while I worked all aspects of Fiercely Radiant Soul (FRS), business, accounting, marketing, and client care, I paid close attention to which tasks gave me a lot of energy and which tasks seemed to deflate me like a balloon.  I have always had a heart for helping people.  In fact, my entire career even outside of FRS has been in providing services or guidance for people to create a better life for themselves.  My heart soars when I see people creating the life they’ve always desired to live and can peel back the layers of interference which have held them back.  By mixing this excitement with some innate gifts and talents I have learned this is my true super power.  This past week made it abundantly clear the other tasks I needed to complete were not accompanied with the same internal exuberance.  Accounting, marketing, and the business side of FRS are not my wheelhouse.  I have learned a lot but have a lot more to learn.  While I am embracing the journey as I go, the part of FRS which really sets my soul on fire and allows me to utilize my super powers is working with the clients.  In fact, rarely ever do I feel like it’s work at all.  

Recently I learned one of my super powers was being able to scale a wall while walking on blue bubbles.  Fun!

We all have our unique strengths and weaknesses; the things  we struggle to wrap our brains around or complete and the things which come naturally.  But do you take the time to make note of the things which give you tons of energy when you do them?  Do you give yourself credence  for being a real life super hero?!??  If not, I strongly encourage you to begin!  It’s never too late to start taking inventory of tasks in life which aren’t  really tasks at all to you.  Once you do perhaps you can begin working these nuggets of awareness to your advantage.  Can you capitalize on the energy filling tasks  around the house or at work by focusing most of your time on them?  Can you delegate some of the tasks which deplete your energy reservoir to someone else who is filled by those tasks?   In doing so you might just find your super powers and your inner super hero!  And if you really capitalize  you will find a way to build a career utilizing your super powers.  You never know when you might wake up one day to find Captain America blasting through your kitchen!  Thanks for stopping by.

Peace & Love,


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