Healing From the Body Level Up™

HBLU™ is a holistic energy psychology system which clears mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks to success and wellness.  This unique technique allows you to tap into your innate wisdom, by utilizing muscle testing, to identify and clear the patterns interfering with reaching your goals.  More on this in the videos below!

Regardless of what you desire to achieve or create in your life, this innovative method is effective at moving you toward your goal and simultaneously increasing your overall health and wellness through this unique mind body approach.

HBLU brings results to alleviating symptoms and suffering even when nothing else has worked for you!  HBLU offers the following:

  • Trauma & fragmentation healing
  • Phobia Healing
  • Anxiety Relief
  • Addictions
  • Enneagram coaching & transformation
  • Weight managements & all types of disordered eating
  • Family systems
  • Emotional stability & processing
  • Inner child & inner parenting
  • Business expansion
  • Divine Purpose/Soul Mission
  • Timeline therapy with soul retrieval
  • Seduction patterns (original research of Dr. Judith Swack)
  • Lightworker guidance & development
  • Overtangles (spiritual influences stopping you from doing your soul mission and leading a fulfilling life)

The first four videos below explain the systematic approach of HBLU™ in a nutshell.

This last video is a tutorial of Natural Bio-Destressing.  Natural Bio-Destressing is one of several of the tapping interventions HBLU teaches to empower you in releasing stagnant emotions from your nervous system.


HBLU:  The System

While HBLU is my main modality of practice I have not, to date, blogged to specifically explain the system of HBLU.  Until today.  If you have been curious what HBLU is, how it works, or what makes it unique, hopefully these short videos will answer many of your questions.

HBLU is a complete system designed to create real and lasting transformation.  We’ll start with a brief introduction to the various aspects which make up the system of HBLU.

HBLU has it’s own language.  It looks at the levels, maps interferences, uses interventions to interrupt the patterns, and all of this is determined by muscle testing.  What does all of that mean anyway?

Never experienced muscle testing before?  There are so many different ways to perform muscle testing, I demo just one of the many different possibilities.

Our personality structure is so deeply engrained in us, it creates some of the largest areas of interference to both our health and satisfaction with ourselves and others.  HBLU offers transformation of our personality structure which goes deeper than cognitive (conscious) restructuring.

Herbal Supplements

I’m excited to now offer synergistically formulated supplements!  Systemic Formulas Inc has designed their products to help treat and alleviate the symptoms of over 500 medical conditions.  There’s no monthly ordering requirements or any gimmicks.  Feel free to browse the product catalog.  I have had so much success with my personal use of these products I have not taken a pharmaceutical in over eight years!  Please contact me for a consultation if you’re interested in utilizing natural supplements instead of or in addition to over the counter or chemical compounds.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Peace & Love,

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