Be careful and intentional with your words!

This blog is short today, but you know my theory with the short posts:  keep it short yet potent.

Put this knowledge to practice and you will see mountains move in your capacity for self-love!

We often think and say “I am ____________” which is adopting that description as part of your IDENTITY!

I used to say:
“I am exhausted.”
“I am not good at business.”
“I am never going to make it.”
“I am over it.”        <—-  Probably the most common rant from me last year!

What do you think happens then?

You make it true.

Because you’re saying you ARE those things, and our thoughts always become things.  It’s universal law.  You can read more about that universal law here.  


What to do instead?  One simple replacement shifts so much!

“I feel ______________.”

“I feel tired.”
“I feel stuck.”
“Running a business feels clumsy and awkward.”
“This feels really hard.”

It’s normal to FEEL these things.

But it’s not WHO YOU ARE!

Practical Application

What are you catching yourself saying? 

Grab a piece of paper with two columns.  In the first column write out all of the “I am ___________” statements that pop into your mind.  Positive, negative, and everything in between.  This is how you see yourself, the things you believe are true about yourself, and what creates your current identity.

In the second column for every negative “I am _____” statement, make it positive.  For example, if I am unlovable is in the first column, then write out I am lovable in the second.  I am unwanted becomes I am irresistible, I am lazy becomes I am selective with how I spend my energy, I am not that smart becomes I am brilliant!

Then choose just one of the statements in the first column and use this tutorial to integrate the belief in the second column more deeply.  It might take more than one round, and this will for sure shift your beliefs more quickly than simply repeating the affirmation on its own!


Do you want to rewrite these stories even quicker?

Building a mindset and thinking intentionally is one of the three pillars that allows you to master the art of being human.  These skills along with tools to quickly shift your beliefs and unconscious patters are taught in both my individual and group coaching offerings.  We can explore which option is best for getting you from where you are to where you want to be on a 30-minute discovery call.  Book it here.  Let’s connect!

Peace & Love,

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