Joy to the World

Tis the season for hustle, bustle, gifts, wrapping, food preparation, cookies, candy, family, friends, light gazing, carols, and everything which defines and creates your festive holiday spirits.

I have thought about and dismissed this topic several times throughout the week. However, events and reminders keep popping into my life so I’m taking it as a sign to share it regardless of the little nagging voice inside my head telling me it will rain on people’s holiday parade. Please get your umbrella before proceeding if you desire.

As we all know this time of year comes with a heightened sense of delight, joy, and festivity. Just listen to the lyrics of “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” “It’s the hap-happiest season of all… When friends come to call…There’ll be parties for hosting…And hearts will be glowing When loved ones are near…It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

But what if friends do not come to call? Or if loved ones are not near? Even when it isn’t the most wonderful time of the year, there is still an ever present expectation for it to be so. Perhaps it’s someone’s first holiday during a divorce where they have to share their time with their children. Perhaps it’s someone’s first holiday with a close family member having a significant health diagnosis. Perhaps it’s someone’s first holiday having lost their life long partner. Perhaps it’s someone’s first holiday as a cancer patient. Perhaps it’s someone’s first holiday without the cherished family pet. Perhaps it’s someone’s first holiday after losing their job. Perhaps it’s someone’s first holiday after taking a promotion where they no longer have the time to create their past traditions. In whatever way it occurs, many individuals are experiencing the holidays in a way where their definition of family, holiday tradition, or joy is being redefined.

I have been asking myself how I can be a source of comfort and compassion for those around me this year who are going through trying times. While I do not hold all the solutions it seems creating an atmosphere where it is safe for others to be themselves exactly where they are in their chapter of life, no expectation of joy or wonderful being asserted, is a very big relief. Often times the most authentic joy is a product of acceptance.

Wishing you the most wonderful of holiday seasons no matter if they come with tears or laughter, apprehension or delight, grief or joy. Thanks for stopping by!

Peace & Love,


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