Hi friends! I assure you this is not a Nike commercial. I do hope it will be a pump you up, believe in yourself, dream big, go crush your most audacious-brazen-bold-outrageous aspirations in the whole wide world pep talk though! Moving into this week’s topic we’re going to chat about how the hardest things to leave behind often lead to the most rewarding changes. Just do it!

Challenges in life come in all different scenarios and scenes but most certainly show up when we are thinking about going for some sort of life change. As they say, the bigger the risk the bigger the reward. Some people live for change and diversity in their life’s adventures while others seek consistency in their daily taskings. Knowing where you fall on this spectrum will be one indication of how easily it’ll be to make the first step of chasing your dreams or stepping onto whatever life path it is you’re seeking.

Short story time: Once upon a time in a land not so very far, far away… I had a career dream to work for the Federal Government. I had spent eight years pursuing a career with State Probation including working my way up to a management position. I was well postured to obtain my master’s degree to pursue an administrative position in the years to come. During the recession, federal vacancies were harder to find and even harder to be selected for hire. Alas, I finally and unexpectedly obtained my federal employment offer. One huge drawback was the fact it was for a temporary position, and I was only guaranteed 13 months of employment. Did you know I was the 5th generation raised on my family’s farm? Man, the amount of stability and consistency role modeled for me growing up was impressive. Did I mention the federal job offer included a move which would require me to sell my house? And there was a pay cut for the first year. Oh and it was for temporary employment? I know, I know I mentioned that twice. To say it was the ideal, dream job offer is quite the stretch.

The temporary factor was definitely the biggest hurdle for me to overcome. Was it worth rolling the dice on the reputation and progress I built throughout my tenure with state probation for 13 months of work and a big, fat question mark of the unknown looming thereafter? I wrestled with this decision especially since my very first reaction was ‘I’m absolutely not accepting a temporary job!’ I explored the fears I had around the situation. One big fear was of failing. What was my definition of failure anyway? At first my definition was being without a job, and the thought of being unemployed in 13 months was nearly impossible to overcome. When I really pondered it, I knew I was very employable. Even if the job did end I should have an easy time moving into the next chapter. In realizing this, I began to see my biggest failure would be not ever achieving the elusively sought after federal job I so deeply coveted. The thought of being ever so crushed and disappointed if at the end of my career this had been the only opportunity I had to work for the federal government became my driving force. Was I going to allow this opportunity to pass? Nope, nope, nope!

It came with some sacrifices though… temporary employment and a pay cut. I carried two mortgages for a short amount of time which when combined with the pay cut scared me silly. In order to increase my financial security, I secured a roommate when I didn’t really want one as I had grown accustomed to solo living. It would have been so much easier to stay in the state gig, comfy in the confines of my solo dwelling arrangements, with one mortgage grinding away for years to come. Easier, yes, but worth it? No! The reward for stepping forward with faith in myself and the unknown as been immeasurable! I was converted to a permanent employee just three short months into the temporary assignment. Work load assignments at the federal level were within reason so I was able to recover from my frazzled condition I found myself when working for the state of burned-out, kind-of-don’t-care, how-in-the-world-will-I-make-it-to-retirement-anyway?! I also had the flexibility and work life balance focus to afford me the great opportunity of finding my passion, having energy to pursue it, and building this awesome business with Fiercely Radiant Soul!

What are your biggest, most astounding dreams you absolutely must divide and conquer in this lifetime? What fears are standing between you and the sexiness of living your dream? How can you reframe those fears to make the unattainable attainable? What will the sacrifices be, and how can you make those sacrifices work for you? When it comes down to it, will you choose to step backward into comfort or forward into growth? Get after it because it will all be very well worth it! Thanks for stopping by.

Peace & Love


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