Law of Compensation

The law of compensation takes real faith and trust.  All the laws do if we’re being honest, but there was something about this law that took me longer to fully embody.  It tells us we will be positively compensated for our actions and work.  The catch is that we must be open to receive it in all the ways we may be compensated, which often comes in unexpected compensation.

For example, as I was going through some challenges and health issues, I expected my work and job to pay all the bills.  I had serious tunnel vision about how I would take care of myself, and when that wasn’t working, I felt inept.  But when I took pause, I realized I was supported and receiving things I never expected:  meals, courses to continue my studies, coffee, and many other unexpected things.  I had set some expectations upon myself, which is the fastest way to be disappointed, while the universe had other plans for ensuring all my needs were met.  I never went without.

This law requires unwavering faith in knowing, even if you are not seeing it yet, you will be positively compensated for all you put out into the world.  This is not just about financial compensation, its joy, love, respect, kindness, and all positive things you extend to others.  And keep your eyes open for what you are receiving because chances are the universe is going to return the goodness into your life in many unexpected ways!

Here are two ways for you to put this law into practice this week:

  1. Ask yourself each day, “Where can I serve or support others today?”  The more you take inspired action in service the more that will be returned to you through compensation.
  2. Apply the mantra “there is only gain” to every situation, thought, and scenario where your brain begins to lie to you telling you there’s been loss.  I find myself coaching most clients to apply this to time when they feel things aren’t happening fast enough or believe they wasted years of their life doing something they’ve judged to be off course.

The key is to believe and to be objectively observant about what comes into your life!

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Thank you for praying for us, supporting us, sharing our story: is a free Christian Crowdfunding site.  They are built on the fact as Christians they know money, as helpful as it is, is only part of the equation.  Their platform is designed not only to encourage Christians to raise money to make a difference in the world, but to also remind that sharing hope (through prayer submission) is even more important, as it is a lasting solution.

Peace & Love,

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