Law of Polarity

The law of polarity identifies there is an opposite for everything in the world.  If there is up there is down, if there is hot there is cold, if there is happy there is sad and so on.  Pretty simple concept, right?

Looking at polarity in the terms of emotions and energetics is a freeing experience.  We speak about emotions, referring to the ones which are uncomfortable to feel, as ‘negative’ emotions.  ‘Negative’ to most people means undesirable.  What if, instead, you thought about negative emotions in the terms of science where there is a negative and positive charge like in atoms?  When we begin seeing our emotions as neither good nor bad, we begin to create a personal liberation for ourselves as we are able to collect the information all emotions offer.  And the more deeply we feel pain the more deeply we can feel pleasure.  It’s worth experiencing the negatively charged emotions because it makes the positively charged emotions so much more potent!

One other example of polarity I love to give is the equator and the north/south poles.  If you are at the north or south pole, doesn’t matter which, you are going to freeze your little booty off!  While at the equator you are going to be roasting, toasting hot!  If you never left the equator, you would never know cold weather existed.  If you didn’t stray very far away from the equator, you might find a bit cooler weather, but you’re never going to find the freeze your tail off weather.

Emotions parallel to this because if you live in the negatively charged emotions all the time you likely experience a lot of anxiety or depression that comes with it.  It’s not likely your happy is elation, joy, or bliss filled.  While at the same time, if you deny acknowledging negative emotions you live in toxic positivity numbing yourself to the wisdom and information the negatively charged emotions have to offer you.

As humans, of course we have preferences, but nothing is good or bad.  Everything in opposition is a part of the human experience!  Polarity gives us tons of clarity about what we want.  Did you know only 1% of the population knows what they really want?  So polarity is a major blessing if we use it as such.

Here’s a couple ways to incorporate this law into your week:

  1. Utilize the mantra:  “contrast brings me clarity”.  When you notice you don’t like a situation or feeling you’re traversing use this mantra to gain more clarity on what you do want and then use the previous laws we’ve discussed to feel what you want, envision it, and take inspired action to create it.  See how all the laws are coming together so beautifully?!?
  2. Check in with yourself a couple times a day to identify how you feel.  This will be easier for some personality types than others.  If you have a challenging time identifying how you feel, you can do a quick internet search to find an emotion chart to help.  And you can set a reminder on your phone or put a post it note somewhere around your house to remind you to take a couple minutes to do this.  Once you identify how you feel, then identify what the opposite emotion or polarity would be.  Take a moment to envision feeling and embodying the opposite emotion when you find yourself feeling a negative polarity emotion.  Observe how you feel after completing this.  Lighter?  Happier?  More positive?

Emotions are one of the most uncomfortable things for clients.  In fact, I have yet to work with anyone who proclaims they love emotions!  Because of this we spent a month in our Stronger Together group coaching community focusing on the immense benefits emotions bring us, including two energy healing sessions to help make processing emotions easier.  You can join Stronger Together at any time to access not only the current coaching and healing calls but also all of the past sessions we’ve had.  Along with the live coaching calls you receive over 15 go-at-your-own-pace courses to help you mold your mindset, process emotions, and master the art of being human!

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Peace & Love,

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