Winter Is Coming!

I know, it’s finally spring!!!  The birds, the sun, the fresh air, the rain showers, green grass, flower blossoms!  All of the physical signs of growth, renewal, and flourishing…it’s a BEAUTIFUL playground of deliciousness outside! While the season of winter–the one containing snow, ice, plummeting temperatures, and dormant plants–is behind us, we’re talking about winter […]

Take Out the Trash

I tried something new Saturday morning that will give you a good laugh.  I love trying new things, don’t you?! As I went through my morning, I randomly got a whiff of a distinct funk here and there.  And as the morning passed, the frequency of this funk increased, and the intensity of the funk […]


My last blog was an up-close and personal example of how as humans we can feel two opposing truths at the same time. But what I didn’t share was the automatic response we have to not doing this, to think there is something wrong when we experience this, and to move away from the discomfort […]

Second Nature Yet Foreign

Hand in hand, just as we departed ways 11 months earlier, we reconnected. Travis has been home for nearly six weeks!   We celebrated our anniversary TOGETHER and shared Christmas with family.  Seeing my family reconnect and embrace him was purely bliss! But getting to our family’s reunification was a long and tumultuous path.  I never […]

Law of Polarity

The law of polarity identifies there is an opposite for everything in the world.  If there is up there is down, if there is hot there is cold, if there is happy there is sad and so on.  Pretty simple concept, right? Looking at polarity in the terms of emotions and energetics is a freeing […]

The Law of Energy

As we continue our examination of the universal laws which make mastering the art of being human so much easier, we’ll continue to embrace last week’s law while adding the second.  Do you remember what last week’s law was?  The potency is in putting these laws to use in your life not just reading about […]