Law of Rhythm

You have your own rhythm and when you dance to the beat of your own drum life gets really easy!  Are you a night owl or a morning person?  Do you feel most inspired in the mornings, midday, or late in the evening?  The law of rhythm speaks exactly to the fact that everything happens in a cycle as a result of the energy and vibration it carries.

It’s easy to see the rhythm in day to night, the tide coming in and going out, and the seasons of the year.  You, too, have very similar rhythms.  If you haven’t already observed this about yourself, it’s never too late to start!  Also notice if you don’t allow yourself to rest or if you find it really hard to get started on things.  Notice how many days or weeks of ‘doing’ is sustainable for you until you feel the required pause to rest.

These rhythms are actually a part of development so when you fight against these natural patterns within you, you slow down receiving whatever it is you’re manifesting, achieving, or creating.  Yes, this is completely counterintuitive!  You might think if you take a break you are going to get less done, but in reality when you take a break you will get more done in less time.  Honor your rhythms!

We expect to be the same way all the time, yet the empowerment lies in accepting the negative aspect of the cycle.  For instance, do you like every season of the year, or do you like at least one season less than the others?  For me, I like winter the least, and I also like my personal season of winter the least.  Resting, reprieve, and allowing for sleep was the hardest aspect of my personal cycle to embrace.  Through practice and cultivation, I have become at home and cozy in this season knowing with certainty the next wave of inspired action will come.  While in the winter pause, I challenge myself to see how much fun and how rejuvenated can I become?

Here’s the most powerful thing you can do for yourself in working with the law of rhythm:

  1. Identify your personal rhythms.  Start with what’s easy and look at your rhythm of the day.  Identify when you are most inspired and when things are easiest to complete.  Then plan your day around this rhythm honoring yourself to complete the tasks that are of greatest priority to you during this time.

Owning your personal rhythm is a power move and will cultivate deep self-empowerment! Because of this we spent last month in our Stronger Together group coaching community focusing on the supporting our clients in identifying and being at peace with their natural rhythms, including two energy healing sessions to help vibe with their internal patterns.  You can join Stronger Together at any time to access not only the current coaching and healing calls but also all of the past sessions we’ve had.  Along with the live coaching calls you receive over 15 go-at-your-own-pace courses to help you mold your mindset, process emotions, and master the art of being human!

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Peace & Love,

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