Happy 2019!  We’re off to a new year and with it comes new year’s resolutions, goal setting, or intentions.  On the surface these things all seem interchangeable and synonymous, but technically they do vary.  I’ll get to this in a bit, but since I have found putting my intentions down on paper to be one of the secrets to making magic happen in my life I want to share my practice.

For the last couple of years I have been using a four page worksheet which is pretty detailed and is split into five different sections.  Because not everyone may want to be so detailed you can find a more condensed intentions worksheet here.  It’s not the exact same as the one I use, but it is a great place to start.  If anyone would like the more detailed version shoot me an email and I’d be happy to share! 

The worksheet I utilize has you first identify your wins and successes from the previous year.  If you don’t typically sit down and focus on this (I don’t) you can lose sight of giving yourself the credit you deserve.  Take a minute to give gratitude for all of those accomplishments and to also recognize some places where you have intense momentum in your life.  You will be able to use this momentum in the new year to keep things moving forward.

Next the worksheet has you reflect on disappointments or lingering upsets from the previous year.  This allows you to see where your energy was not well spent or where there may be some unfinished business.  The third section asks reflective questions which really helps you take pause and think about what motivates you most.  For example, the last question poses:  What am I ready and willing to embrace, accept, and forgive in myself or others so I may continue to heal, change, and expand?   

The fourth section has you set your intentions for various different areas of life.  The fifth and final section has you list at least three goals for specific key areas.  These areas intertwine with the intentions you established in the previous section.  Lastly, I also focus on a word of the year, and this will be the year I “create”.  

Goals, Intentions, or Both?

What’s the difference between goals and intentions, and why is it important anyway?  There are differing viewpoints on this out there so I would love to hear feedback from you on your thoughts.  I personally believe the universe has one answer for us when we set an intention, and that answer is “Yes!”.  In my opinion I will receive more if I set my intention to attract money when using my gifts to live my purpose rather than setting a goal to make $50,000 in the next year.  What do most people do once they reach a goal?  Quit.  Why?  Because the goal is the finish line.  An intention is a larger concept very similar to establishing a lifestyle.  Why create a glass ceiling for yourself by setting a goal of $50,000 if you then dial back your drive once you’ve reached the goal when you could otherwise make triple figures by keeping yourself moving forward with no specific number as the finish line?  The worksheet I explained above has really helped me learn to set goals as stepping stones to the larger picture which is my intentions.  Once I reach my goals I continue on in setting new ones to keep my drive and ambition alive.  Another debated philosophy with goals and intentions is whether or not to share them.  What do you think?  Keep them to yourself to avoid people hindering your progress, or share them for the accountability it creates?

However you make all of your dreams come true, I wish you the very best in your pursuit!  Thanks for stopping by.

Peace & Love,


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