One Step At a Time

This week I had intended to record a vlog while hiking, but the places we chose were a little too crowded to be able to make a video without many  distractions.  Instead this message will be quite short and sweet.  One ofthe places we visited is  called the Incline. It was magical, mystical yet steep and arduous.  This climb is very symbolic of our trek through life.  Dreams and aspirations can feel like  climbing a mountain with a lot of rests and breathers along the way.   The closer  to the top you get the thinner the air gets and the harder the climb becomes. Sometimes it’s vital to take  a few notes and descend a bit on the journey so the next time you tackle the trek you’re better prepared. 

I am currently finding myself in this place with FRS. I’ve learned so much about marketing and business along my journey so far, but it was essential for me to take a few notes of what I discovered from the time I began this venture until now, retreat a bit to better prepare for my next push toward the top, and have a new, wiser perspective for the next portion of my trek.  Similarly to mountain climbing it’s much easier to take the switchbacks, where you may descend before ascending further, than to march straight up a steep incline with a grade too steep to allow you to hold your footing.  No matter where you find yourself along your path to accomplishing your goals you’re in a much better place than having never begun. Amazing things happen when we take it one step at a time! Climb on my friends, and thanks for stopping by!

Peace & Love,


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