Reason Not To…

Since my last blog I set out on a great adventure which ended up being one of the most dynamic life experiences I’ve had to date.  Nearly seven years ago I began utilizing some energy medicine techniques to work through hardships and emotional strife I had been carrying with me for quite some time.  The practitioner I have been working with was introduced to a technique called Healing from the Body Level Up (HBLU) a short time ago.  She quickly determined she was going to become certified and suggested I consider doing the same.  When I signed up I was a little uncertain about what the experience would be like and if I would be relevant in this endeavor.  I was constantly second guessing what I had signed up for or if I should even go.

As the date to leave was drawing closer, I was talking with a friend about my uncertainty.  She mentioned how admirable it is when people step out with courage instead of remaining in a safe place of routine, commonalities, and comfort.   This resonated deeply with me as I made a mental note to explore this more in time.

Once I arrived at the training I had the honor of co-training with eight radiantly, vibrant and positive life forces.  The energy in the room was so high and light I had never experienced anything like it.  Over the next five days I learned the structure of emotional traumas, blocked emotions, conflict of parts, history trauma, PTSD, and grudges among many other identified protocols.  While reviewing one of the protocol outlines in the training material we came to a point where we must identify if the client has a reason not to proceed to their goal.  Instantly I had an epiphany which linked back my friend’s observation about courage and comfort.  My predominant factor as the “reason not to” when making conscious choices is because my desire to stay in my comfort zone is so strong.

It’s easy to stay in a place where we feel safe, content, and habitual.  Chasing dreams, which involve daring acts with potential failures, tends to prohibit people from stepping out in courage.  For the rest of my time in Boston I tuned in to my own reasons not to.  Sometimes I didn’t leave my comfort zone because of sleep or warmth while other times it was due to inconvenience or lack of familiarity.  However, each and every time I found a reason not to do something it always traced back to the same theme of remaining comfortable.

As you move through your day or debate your dreams, examine what your reasons not to do something new are.  I surmise you will discover one of the largest attractions to remaining right where you are is positively correlated with comfort.

If HBLU or energy medicine intrigues you and you would like to learn more about my most recent adventure onto a courage new path, check out the details on my About Me page or drop me an email.  Thanks for stopping by!

Peace & Love,


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