See Jane. See Jane be dull.

Hello world!  What a week it has been!  Fall seems to be making up for winter’s early visit a couple weeks ago as it has been absolutely blissful here.  I have been taking full advantage of it too.  I have had this internal yearning to get out of a mundane rut I have been in lately.  A rut which lead to me being critical, cranky, congested, complacent, and cantankerous. (No, I didn’t try to only describe myself with adjectives beginning with C but how cute!) This year has been a crazy, wild, awesome ride, but I have been demanding quite a lot from myself all year long.  In fact, at the beginning of the year I completed an intention setting exercise, and by the end of July I had conquered all of the goals I had set for myself.  Instead of feeling accomplished and content I forged on full steam ahead without even realizing I was exhausting my fuel repository.  The effects of the lack luster life I was living  was not pleasant for myself or those closest to me. 

Over looking the Missouri River from Indian Cave State Park.
This week I took down the to do list and decided to go with the flow while making sure to break from my routine has much as possible.  It was such a glorious week!  I indulged in a bonfire, a networking event, getting to snuggle, cuddle,  and put a preciously adorable six week old to sleep (an extra special and rare treat for this non-momma), two sushi dates with my Mister, an unexpected and spontaneous Ray LaMontagne performance made possible by two beautiful humans, two motorcycle rides, 11 miles hiked (two separate family hiking adventures and a third hiking adventure with a dear friend), and a board game bonanza.  I also broke my normal workout routine by trying out a couple new workouts and by completing all of my workouts this week outdoors.  I connected with several friends this week when normally it’s nearly impossible to find conjoint free time in our schedules.  The conversations and time spent in community were deeply cherished and renewing to my spirit.  All of this was made possible by only working 40 hours this week, which is the first week since I don’t know when.  
The extremely talented and captivating Ray LaMontagne during his acoustic performance.
With all I did this week it seems I should be drained and tired, but instead I am renewed, rejuvenated, and energized!  All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl!  (Please don’t ever call me Jane.)  Typically writing this late at night puts me in a frazzled and stressed state which is a space I try to avoid.  However, when we are properly filling ourselves we are able to accomplish far more than when we spend all of our time being task masters.  Being a work-aholic comes very naturally for me due to my environment. As a child I saw the routine on the farm was endless work.  The livestock did not feed themselves so there were chores which absolutely had to be done every single day.  While this lifestyle instilled the very best work ethic in my it didn’t teach me to take time to fill my soul.  My being doesn’t respond well when I try to make it a “human doing” by living this unbalanced work schedule.  In fact, I don’t know of anyone who says their life is utterly fulfilling when all they do is obligatory tasking.  So take this as a gentle reminder to give yourself the down time you need so your creativity and energy can flow through you naturally.  More than just your own spirit will be thanking you! 
Board games anyone? This was only a portion of the 1,400 which were available to play. My lens wasn’t able to capture them all in one photo.
At the beginning of the month I reflected again on the intention exercise and goals I had accomplished this year.  True to my ambitious self I decided to not let the final 90 days of the year pass me by idly.  In doing so, I set a few more goals  and areas of focus as I close out this calendar year.  The one I’m most excited about is expanding my awareness of abundance.  (There’s a solid chance I will be writing more about this in the future.)  However, the goals I pursue for the remainder of the year are being done with a different approach,…  Jane will not be dull!  Thanks for stopping by.
Peace & Love,

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