One Step At a Time

This week I had intended to record a vlog while hiking, but the places we chose were a little too crowded to be able to make a video without many  distractions.  Instead this message will be quite short and sweet.  One ofthe places we visited is  called the Incline. It was magical, mystical yet steep […]

Are Superheroes Only for the Movies?

Hey friends!    I hope this week has  been wonderful for you all!  Honestly, my week could not have been more jam packed full of task mastering which has really given me a sense of accomplishment.  Productivity is a double edged sword for me though.  It always fills me from the perspective of feeling as […]

Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner!

One of the sports I have truly grown to  love in recent years is UFC.  There are so many elements to the sport I admire.  The conditioning, strength, reaction time,  and coordination of the athletes is impressive.  The mixed skill set of boxing, wrestling, and kick boxing create a complex dynamic to see how each […]

Reason Not To…

Since my last blog I set out on a great adventure which ended up being one of the most dynamic life experiences I’ve had to date.  Nearly seven years ago I began utilizing some energy medicine techniques to work through hardships and emotional strife I had been carrying with me for quite some time.  The […]

It’s a Canine World Out There

I have always held a very special affinity for animals.  Being raised on a farm gave me a unique opportunity for exposure to all sorts of animals from a very young age.  I can remember being just old enough to climb the ladder into the loft of the barn to seek out the little kittens […]