Second Nature Yet Foreign

Hand in hand, just as we departed ways 11 months earlier, we reconnected. Travis has been home for nearly six weeks!   We celebrated our anniversary TOGETHER and shared Christmas with family.  Seeing my family reconnect and embrace him was purely bliss! But getting to our family’s reunification was a long and tumultuous path.  I never […]

Credit & Debit, Life & Death

Words matter.  The old adage “sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” is one of the farthest things from the truth.  In fact, we live in a world where words are used outside of their original context unbeknownst to us, and the way those words are being used combined […]

Everything You’ve Never Been Told About Money

If you haven’t read last week’s post, please do so before reading this one.  Without that foundational information in viewing our country as a business, this post may be much more difficult to understand. What I’m about to share with you is information that’s very challenging to find.  Not many people present this information, and […]

The Root of All Things Good

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying ‘money is the root of all evil’.  I want to challenge and rewrite this narrative to be ‘money is the root of all things good!’  Money does not make you good or evil, even though society teaches otherwise.  Money amplifies that which you already are.  If you are a […]

Check A Box

I have procrastinated long and hard to sit down and write today’s blog. For those who know me well, you know I am apolitical, and for those who don’t know me you are about discover how apolitical I am. There is a saying you should never discuss politics and religion with others. I think that’s […]

The Media Machine

There is nothing better after a long, hard week of work to relax and cut loose, right?  The indulgence of having fun and being carefree!  This is the way human nature has progressed for centuries.  Think back to the time of the Roman Gladiators who fought in the coliseums.  The spectators in attendance would booze […]

Public Safety Factor

You may recall we were shocked and blindsided when we received Travis’s designation to Rochester FMC as we had been anticipating him to be placed at Yankton Prison Camp.   You can read more about the designation process and experience here.  From what we were able to discern before Travis began his sentence, we believed Travis […]

You’re Saying I’ve Got a Chance

I was thankful when Travis initially told me he was in with a good group of guys, but this group of guys were going to be an enormous asset to Travis time and again.  He had mentioned they were very knowledgeable in prison policy and law, but what this might mean for his future wasn’t […]