Law of Polarity

The law of polarity identifies there is an opposite for everything in the world.  If there is up there is down, if there is hot there is cold, if there is happy there is sad and so on.  Pretty simple concept, right? Looking at polarity in the terms of emotions and energetics is a freeing […]

Nourish & Hydrate

If you’re not sitting down, please sit down before you read this.  If you don’t already know this, it might be a lot to drink in, pun intended. Our food and water supplies are used against us.  Some are as bold to say they are poisonous, and by the end of this blog you will […]

The First Letter

During the first few weeks of Travis’s sentence, we were spoiled with regular phone calls.  Some weekends he would even call for 45 minutes (3 separate 15 minute calls).  It was such a blessing as we transitioned to this new and temporary normal for his time away.  (I constantly tell myself this is all temporary […]

You Deleted Your Account

On another un-noteworthy Thursday night, I drifted off to sleep.  It was just a week or so earlier that I had reclaimed my ability to sleep peacefully throughout the night without waking repeatedly or being up for hours at a night.  Many things in life have no price tag, and sleep is one of them.  […]

Shook Beyond Recognition

It was an un-noteworthy Thursday, with the exception of having several internal promptings to not stay at my house that evening.  Normally I follow my intuition without much question because it’s always guiding me to good things, but for some reason on this day I let my ego get in the way.  I reached out […]

The First Call

It was Thursday.  My first full day as a wife of an incarcerated prisoner.  As I walked through the dining room to the kitchen for a cup of coffee that morning, I saw Trav’s phone and wallet.  I picked the wallet up and held it close to my chest and took pause.  For a brief […]

The Drop Off

How do you prepare yourself to drop your loved one off at prison?  How do you spend your last few days together?  What do you say, or how can you offer them encouragement?  I knew the emotions I was feeling, but I couldn’t imagine the emotions he was feeling. In the days leading up to […]

Government Retired

In my first 10 years of employment in the state’s criminal justice system, it had become a dream of mine to work as a federal employee.  I had my sights set on federal probation.  The workloads were more tolerable, the pay was better, and you were protected by the ability to carry a firearm rather […]

Poisonous Propaganda, Poisonous Food

The holidays passed us by in an easy, peaceful way.  We were able to remain present, enjoy each moment, and somehow set aside the reality of what the new year was bringing us.  With that being said though, the holidays were not very holiday-ish.  No décor, no tree, only one holiday party, no presents, no […]

To Have & To Hold

Marrying a felon who is about to serve 18 months of incarceration while sharing intimate details of your relationship with the entire world is likely a relationship death sentence.  Especially when you stack the statistics of a second marriage on top of it.  I did it anyway and have never felt more sure and aligned […]