The Law of Energy

As we continue our examination of the universal laws which make mastering the art of being human so much easier, we’ll continue to embrace last week’s law while adding the second.  Do you remember what last week’s law was?  The potency is in putting these laws to use in your life not just reading about […]

Nourish & Hydrate

If you’re not sitting down, please sit down before you read this.  If you don’t already know this, it might be a lot to drink in, pun intended. Our food and water supplies are used against us.  Some are as bold to say they are poisonous, and by the end of this blog you will […]

The Media Machine

There is nothing better after a long, hard week of work to relax and cut loose, right?  The indulgence of having fun and being carefree!  This is the way human nature has progressed for centuries.  Think back to the time of the Roman Gladiators who fought in the coliseums.  The spectators in attendance would booze […]

How Did We Get Here

When humans are fully empowered they have a powerful spiritual connection, clear intuition, the pineal gland functions fully, and for those who are familiar with the chakra system, the third eye is open.  Thus, our thoughts are fueled by something higher than ourselves.  There are many influences and factors preventing and deluding us from being […]

Shook Beyond Recognition

It was an un-noteworthy Thursday, with the exception of having several internal promptings to not stay at my house that evening.  Normally I follow my intuition without much question because it’s always guiding me to good things, but for some reason on this day I let my ego get in the way.  I reached out […]

Public Safety Factor

You may recall we were shocked and blindsided when we received Travis’s designation to Rochester FMC as we had been anticipating him to be placed at Yankton Prison Camp.   You can read more about the designation process and experience here.  From what we were able to discern before Travis began his sentence, we believed Travis […]

Poisonous Propaganda, Poisonous Food

The holidays passed us by in an easy, peaceful way.  We were able to remain present, enjoy each moment, and somehow set aside the reality of what the new year was bringing us.  With that being said though, the holidays were not very holiday-ish.  No décor, no tree, only one holiday party, no presents, no […]

The Reckoning

Real life requires real talk.  The old me would not have had the courage to share not only this journey, but the lowest of lows along the journey.  Today I share these details to inspire:  inspire hope for your own healing, to demonstrate the reality of what is possible when we choose ourselves day after […]

Infamously Famous

We lived on coffee, adrenaline, and the hope of reprieve until June 16th.  We were so anxious about what was to come and so expectant to finally find a bit of peace in our lives knowing there would be a few months until sentencing. The hearing for Travis to enter his official plea was held […]

I Don’t Actually Feel Better, At All

After sharing all of the details with the prosecutor, including highlighting the contradicting evidence in the case, the prosecutor responded by asking if I felt better.  In that moment I said yes.  I had a brief moment of relief in being able to share everything on my mind. But then I returned home.  Who knew […]