I Like To Move It, Move It

Greetings from a snowy, wintry Nebraska!    A few days ago I recorded the vlog below discussing all the glorious benefits of moving your body.  At the time it was dreary, cloudy, and rainy.  Little did I know mother nature was soon  going to step it up to another level.  In order to keep your […]

One Step At a Time

This week I had intended to record a vlog while hiking, but the places we chose were a little too crowded to be able to make a video without many  distractions.  Instead this message will be quite short and sweet.  One ofthe places we visited is  called the Incline. It was magical, mystical yet steep […]

Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner!

One of the sports I have truly grown to  love in recent years is UFC.  There are so many elements to the sport I admire.  The conditioning, strength, reaction time,  and coordination of the athletes is impressive.  The mixed skill set of boxing, wrestling, and kick boxing create a complex dynamic to see how each […]

Reason Not To…

Since my last blog I set out on a great adventure which ended up being one of the most dynamic life experiences I’ve had to date.  Nearly seven years ago I began utilizing some energy medicine techniques to work through hardships and emotional strife I had been carrying with me for quite some time.  The […]

What the World Needs is More Chakras and Cake

In recent years I have become fascinated with something which was never even mentioned to me through all of my education or upbringing.  While we acknowledge our physical, spiritual, and emotional bodies within our Western culture, we fail to acknowledge our energetic body with the same emphasis.  This week we’ll look at the seven chakras […]