Winning with Reality 100% of the Time

I hope you had a wonderful and delightful Thanksgiving!  My family has had a long standing and cherished tradition of turkey, bowling, football, and loved ones.     One of the things I am most thankful for is my family, but time spent together hasn’t always been the easiest thing for me to embrace.  Family has […]

The Liberation of “F&*k It!”

Hello again!  I have been absent the last couple weeks for no other reason than to step aside from my self imposed expectation of having to do everything perfectly, systematically, and timely.  While I do aspire to have a blog posted every Sunday, I had been writing and posting from an intrinsic motivation of obligation […]

The Noisiest Silence

USA Today conducted a survey to find out what people fear the most.  As I read the list I was astounded by the results.  People are afraid of death and flying.  Not so shocking.  The number three thing people fear the most definitely caught my attention causing me to take pause: silence.  As I pondered […]

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…

Life never disappoints.  When we set our sights on making some refinements in ourselves the universe obliges in giving us ample opportunities to test us or to develop those new skills.  I had no intention of revisiting the topic of proactive vs reactive, but real life experiences from this past week makes it feel relevant.  […]