Reason Not To…

Since my last blog I set out on a great adventure which ended up being one of the most dynamic life experiences I’ve had to date.  Nearly seven years ago I began utilizing some energy medicine techniques to work through hardships and emotional strife I had been carrying with me for quite some time.  The […]

What the World Needs is More Chakras and Cake

In recent years I have become fascinated with something which was never even mentioned to me through all of my education or upbringing.  While we acknowledge our physical, spiritual, and emotional bodies within our Western culture, we fail to acknowledge our energetic body with the same emphasis.  This week we’ll look at the seven chakras […]

The Liberation of “F&*k It!”

Hello again!  I have been absent the last couple weeks for no other reason than to step aside from my self imposed expectation of having to do everything perfectly, systematically, and timely.  While I do aspire to have a blog posted every Sunday, I had been writing and posting from an intrinsic motivation of obligation […]

The Noisiest Silence

USA Today conducted a survey to find out what people fear the most.  As I read the list I was astounded by the results.  People are afraid of death and flying.  Not so shocking.  The number three thing people fear the most definitely caught my attention causing me to take pause: silence.  As I pondered […]

It’s a Canine World Out There

I have always held a very special affinity for animals.  Being raised on a farm gave me a unique opportunity for exposure to all sorts of animals from a very young age.  I can remember being just old enough to climb the ladder into the loft of the barn to seek out the little kittens […]

Peaks & Valleys

In my opening blog I introduced you to one of the things I love the most in life. Nature.  It moves my soul in ways nothing else can.  I spent four days last week hiking the magical, mystical area of Moab, UT.  Immediately upon arriving I knew the area would be the inspiration for my […]

Priority Check

Have you ever woke up one morning to begin your week on a Monday and the next thing you know you blinked only to discover it was Friday evening already?  Along the way you may have given the bird to the person driving so slowly you couldn’t make it to work on time, discovered you […]

It’s All About The Start

Last fall I set a goal to not only run my first half marathon in 11 years but also to set a new personal record.  Needless to say prepping for a half takes a lot of time and energy.  Due to also participating in the Market to Market relay, my training program was extended to […]

Operation: Conquer Change

Hi Friends, January 21st is a pivotal day in your life.  Do you know why?  It is that time of year where people embark upon new chapters, aspirations, and endeavors.  Whether it be setting new goals, living by a theme, choosing a word to live by for the year, or setting a traditional New Year’s […]